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Lista de nivel de carrera de Piece de versos definitivos


Las carreras en la pieza de verso se clasifican por su rareza: común, legendaria, mítica y exótica, y dado que pueden hacer o romper su construcción, elegir la correcta puede ser complicado. To help you out, we've made the Verse Piece race tier list.

Verse Piece All Races Ranked - Tier List

Verse Piece races are ranked not only based on their abilities but also their drop rates and if it's worth grinding for them. If you are looking for more information, head over to the game's Trello board or join their Discord sever. Here's a list of the best Verse Piece races :

Nivel Carreras
S Contractor, Dullahan, Vessel
A Angelica, Demonic, Shadow, Vampire
B Arrancar, Half Cyborg, Saiya, Slime, Truthseeker
do Dragonic, Quincy, Reaper
D Fishman, Human, Skypiean

S Tier - Best Races in Verse Piece

Contractor is the best race in Verse Piece , especially for combat. It not only gives you a whopping 2x damage multiplier, but its passive also deals 20% extra damage through its passive. If you can't manage to get it, Vessel is a great alternative for PvP along with Dullahan.

Nombre Rareza Tasa de caída Efectos Productos cosméticos Descripción
Contratista Exótico 0.05% 2x Damage
Contractor Passive
Purple Aura + Best damage multiplier
+ Passive ability also heals you
+ Great for combat and farming
Dullahan Exótico 0.05% Day: 0.5x Damage
Night: 3x Damage and 3x Buring Passive
Burning Cross + Perfect race for combat, especially during the night
+ Best Passive
Buque Mítico 0.175% 1.5x Damage
Slash Passive
Ninguno + Dullahan alternative
+ Great for late-game PvP
+ Great Passive

Un nivel

Races in A-tier don't have any major downsides and are all good for mid to late-game combat, be it NPC or PvP. The Shadow race is the most controversial one in the game due to its complete damage reduction. But since it only applies to PvP, I suggest switching to Demonic for progression.

Nombre Rareza Tasa de caída Efectos Productos cosméticos Descripción
Angélica Mítico 0.175% 1.25x Damage
Smite Passive
Golden Wrist Bands + Mid to late-game PvP
+ One of the best Passives
Demoníaco Mítico 0.175% 1.7x Damage Demon Horns + Good for combat
+ Stops enemies from healing
- No Passives
Sombra Exótico 0.05% 100% Damage Reduction Red Eyes and Blue Aura around arms + Broken Race
- Damage reduction only works for PvP
- No damage multiplier and Passives
Vampiro Mítico 0.175% 1.2x Damage Red Dragon-like wings + Lets you steal lives
+ Decent damage multiplier

B Tier

Out of all B-tier characters, go with Truthseeker , as it not only increases your damage but also boosts your HP. On top of that, it also removes your melee and replaces it with your Special Damage, which makes it easier to use in combat.

Nombre Rareza Tasa de caída Efectos Productos cosméticos Descripción
Arrancar Legendario 1.5% 1.5x Special Damage Ninguno + Good for mid-game PvP
Half Cyborg Exótico 0.05% Increase HP
20% Damage Reduction
Cyborg Eye
Saiya Mítico 0.175% 70% Damage Reduction Cola + Perfect for mid-game tank build
Limo Exótico 0.05% 40% Damage Reduction
Steker de la verdad Exótico 0.05% 30% Increase in HP
1.75x Sword Damage
Ninguno + Replaces hand combat with Special Ability

C Tier

C-tier Verse Piece races are perfect for when you're starting out and have learned the basics of the game. Depending on your playstyle, you can either go with Quincy for a tank build or with Reaper. While Dragonic doesn't give any buffs, it is required to get Rimuru.

Nombre Rareza Tasa de caída Efectos Productos cosméticos Descripción
Dragonic Exótico 0.05% No buffs Blue Dragon Wings + Only good for quest
Quincy Legendario 1.5% 15% Damage Reduction Blue Halo + Good for early tank builds
Segador Legendario 1.5% 1.5x Damage with Sword Ninguno + Good for clearing early-game island quests


Races in this tier are the worst in the game, and you should re-roll them as soon as you can. They not only do not give any damage buff but also don't have any damage reduction either and are only good for cosmetic purposes.

Nombre Rareza Tasa de caída Efectos Productos cosméticos Descripción
Pescador Extraño 12.5% Swim Faster Shark Fin + Lets you swim at a faster rate
- No damage multiplier
Humano Común 68% Ninguno Ninguno - Most abundant race in the game
- No damage multiplier or reduction
Skypiean Extraño 12.5% 10x Geppo Alas + Jump ten times in a row
- No damage multiplier or reduction

That wraps up our Verse Piece Race tier list. If you are looking for freebies in the game, check out our Verse Piece Codes on Pro Game Guides.

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