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Estado de sueño de bolsillo Pokemon TCG explicado


Out of the three status conditions in Pokemon TCG Pocket , Sleep is the biggest nuisance by far. While there is only one way to cure it, unlucky players could have it cost them the game. Here is everything to know about Sleep in Pokemon TCGP and how to cure it.

What Does Sleep Mean in Pokemon TCG Pocket?

When a Pokemon in TCG Pocket is inflicted with the Sleep status, that Pokemon is unable to perform any attacks, or abilities, or retreat back to the bench. Until it can be cured, your snoozing Pokemon is essentially a sitting duck in your active spot.

How to Cure Sleep

There are only two ways to cure Sleep in Pokemon TCG Pocket overall: getting Heads on a coin toss that occurs each turn or evolving it.

The turn-based coin toss is a status check to see if your Pokemon will overcome its affliction or not. Debido a que un lanzamiento de monedas se realiza una vez durante cada turno tanto para usted como para tu oponente, un Pokémon podría curarse de sueño en tan solo un turno.

Por otro lado, en comparación con la parálisis y los estados de veneno, los desventajas desafortunadas podrían llevar a que un Pokémon activo sea inútil al estar dormido para turnos consecutivos.

Si bien puede tomarse el tiempo para configurar a sus atacantes alternativos en el banco o esperar que tire de un Pokémon de la próxima etapa para evolucionarlo, su oponente puede configurar lo que necesitan mucho más rápido, o incluso dañar su Pokémon lo suficiente como para desmayarse y anotar un punto extra.

The secret third way to cure Sleep status in Pokemon TCGP is by using the Koga Trainer card, which allows you to return a snoozing Weezing or Muk to your hand. However, this card is only applicable to those two Pokemon.

Related: Best Dialga Ex Decks in Pokemon TCG Pocket

All Sleep Cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket

Imagen a través de la compañía Pokemon

There are currently eight cards that can inflict the Sleep status Pokemon TCG Pocket including Darkai, Wigglytuff, and Hypno, with the latter being the most competitive in the game so far. You'll find the full list, and their methods, and how to get them in the full list below:

Sleep Card Método Cómo conseguir
Darkrai (A2 109) Through its attack, Dark Void, as a guaranteed effect Space-Time Smackdown (Dialga)
Flabebe (A1a 036) Using its move, Hypnotic Gaze, as a guaranteed effect Mythical Island
Frosmoth (A1 093) With its Powder Snow attack, also a guaranteed status effect Ápice genético
Hypno (A1 125) Using its ability, Sleep Pendulum, based on a coin flip Genetic Apex (Pikachu)
Jigglypuff (PA 022) The guaranteed effect of its Sing attack Promo-A
Shiinotic (A1a 008) A guaranteed secondary effect of its Flickering Spores attack Mythical Island
Vileplume (A1 013) A side effect of using Soothing Scent Genetic Apex (Charizard)
Wigglytuff ex (A1 195) An additional effect of its Sleepy Song attack Genetic Apex (Pikachu)

Out of all the Sleep cards in Pokemon TCGP , Hypno is the most dangerous thanks to its ability to afflict opponents with the status from the bench.

Sin siquiera necesitar apilarlo con ninguna energía, esto hace que Hypno sea una tarjeta de apoyo increíble para las cubiertas psíquicas, dejándote establecer rápidamente a tus bateadores más fuertes como Mewtwo Ex y su psicología, más aún si tienes un Gardevoir en tu otro lugar para acelerar las cosas junto con su propia habilidad.

Frosmoth and Wigglytuff ex can be mixed in with other suitable decks as well, but Hypno is currently the only Sleep card in the current Pokemon TCG Pocket meta to still be competitive without slowing the rest of your strategy down.

Now you know what the Sleep status does and how to cure it, try out the best Palkia ex deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket to see what other powerful combos the latest cards have to offer.

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