  • Exodus King of Blocks and Gods

    Exodus King of Blocks and Gods

    7.7 C4.1 2024-12-19

Strategy, tactic, ferocity and conquest prevail in this heart-pumping adventure


Exodus King of Blocks and Gods

Strategy, tactic, ferocity and conquest prevail in this heart-pumping adventure

Exodus King of Blocks and Gods is the first person shooter games with high fantasy legend style. Test your skills to the limit with this action adventure game that keeps you on your toes. You will need great courage as you navigate dynamic worlds of war and domination. Use all of your skills to seize glory and achieve ultimate victory. Discover hidden treasures and utilize them to become unstoppable.


In order to supply you with a most epic experience, some levels are HUGE and will take a while to load. In addition, the app may take one or more minutes to install. Please, be patient as the game is truly worth the wait.

BE KIND! Don’t penalize Exodus King of Blocks and Gods with a one star review. This FREE game is a great combat experience that features beautiful frames and simple controls.

A FIERCE AND FEARED CAPTAIN OF WAR has been challenged by a mighty clan of impressive numbers, whose power eclipses many realms, and who is greedy for more. Knowing what this battle entails, this captain of war offers his soul to the underworld for the promise of victory against this fearsome foe. As the battle rages, the bargain is made, and the lord of the underworld delivers the captain's vengeance and destroyed this unstoppable clan. The captain wins, victory is his. But with his victory, soon comes his price, and as the last enemy fell, so did he...

A SOUL TRAPPED, A PRICE PAID. Dead, but not defeated, he sees the fallen enemy before him, the rise of his flag in victory. But his soul is not claimed and on earth he remains, a prisoner of the realm in which he was slain. Fighting his restraint, he sees no exit from this confinement. Then an enemy soldier rises from his stupor, his wounds deep, but he lives. With great satisfaction, the captain takes the man's last breath, and as the life drains from the man, the captain feels his own spirit surge with power. With this new might, he attempts another escape, and though he can move further, his limits are still clear. It is in a desperate act that the captain lures victims to his realm imprisonment and kills them, for with their death, he gains back his humanity and will be free of his debt and can at long last enjoy his greatest victory.

FEEL THE DANGER in this high-stakes game of war and deception where you wage war on a number of enemies in order to gain your freedom. This popular combat game features amazing block world style graphics and an epic variety of enemies to pummel into oblivion. Run from the bullets of snipers, dodge the fists of mighty warriors and aim to kill fierce mobs. Collect a selection of ammo, health and speed perks as you travel through levels. Find hidden weapons or battle hand-to-hand to achieve ultimate victory and dominate the realm. Be wary of your every advancement, for every level brings fewer pickups and larger enemy numbers that makes for the most challenging running and shooting adventure.


-Thrilling first person shooting action

-User-friendly intuitive touch screen controls

-Exciting landscapes

-Ammo, health and speed pickups

-Weapon variety

-Great enemy variety

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