Flauntme, your ultimate beauty reviews, news, and shopping resource.
Flauntme helps you answer your most pressing beauty question: Should I buy or not?
FLAUNTME IQ: We gather millions of beauty reviews from dozens of beauty retailers and distill them into a simple summary score for each product, the Flauntme IQ.
BARCODE SCAN: Find products quickly by scanning barcodes (UPC codes) or name search.
LOWEST PRICES: Always know the lowest prices from Sephora, Ulta, Amazon, and many other beauty retailers. Who isn't into saving money? With our Lowest Price Scanning and Sales Alert features, you'll always be sure to get the best deals.
BEAUTY ASSISTANT: Get personalized yes/no recommendations with our Beauty Assistant feature. With so much information and so many reviews for every beauty product, it's time consuming to decide if a product is a fit. Let our Beauty Assistant do the work for you! Simply fill out our easy Beauty Assistant Questionnaire. Every product page will then display a personalized yes/no recommendation along with a link to a more detailed summary.
BE INSPIRED: See what's trending in the beauty world. Get ideas for new looks, find makeup tips, and learn about new products from established beauty professionals.
Flauntme Beauty is the perfect tool for anyone who buys beauty products.
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