Distance measure using Screen, Camera and GPS
Find distance. Estimer la distance. Quick distance measurement, calculator or estimator using:-
1. Screen (for small object)
2. Camera (for short distance)
3. GPS/Network (for long distance)
A) How to measure using Screen:-
1. Put the object on your phone's screen
2. Drag the button to start measurement
B) How to measure distance using Camera:-
1. Hold up your phone in Landscape orientation and estimate the phone's distance from ground.
2. Then aim the camera at the object which you want to calculate the distance.
3. The target should be at same ground level from where you're standing. If not, you need to do some adjustment.
4. You must aim at the BOTTOM of the object. (Eg: If a building, aim at the bottom of the building. If people, aim at the feet. If a car, aim at the tire)
5. ROTATE the phone when you try to aim the target. DO NOT move the phone UP/DOWN from the phone's height which you have specified earlier.
6. Tap the screen to stop the calculation or re-tap to continue.
C) How to measure distance using GPS/Network:-
1. Get the coordinates when you are at Location A.
2. Then move/walk/drive to Location B and get the second coordinates.
3. When you have the coordinates for both locations, the app will auto calculate the distance.
The app will first try to get the coordinates using GPS. If not available, it will use the Network. Accuracy and speed will depend on the provider.
This app can only act as an estimator or for quick calculation. The accuracy and speed will depend on your phone's sensor, resolution, provider, network connection etc. It will not give you 100% accuracy.
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