Store photos and vital info of your kids in one convenient app for easy access.
Every year, thousands of children go missing. The FBI's Child ID App can help.
Cette application gratuite offre un endroit pratique pour stocker électroniquement des photos et des informations vitales sur vos enfants afin que tout soit à portée de main si vous en avez besoin. You can show the pictures and provide physical identifiers like height and weight to security or police officers on the spot. Using a special tab on the app, you can also quickly and easily e-mail the information to authorities with just a few clicks.
L'application comprend des conseils pour assurer la sécurité des enfants, ainsi que des conseils spécifiques sur ce qu'il faut faire dans les 48 premières heures cruciales après la disparition d'un enfant. Links to additional resources for families and victims are also provided.
Please be assured that no information on your child will be collected or stored by the FBI unless you provide it during an emergency.
AVERTISSEMENT: Si vous avez téléchargé une version antérieure de l'application FBI Child ID (toutes les versions publiées avant 2015), toutes les photos et / ou informations que vous avez précédemment saisies seront perdues lors de l'installation de cette mise à jour.
Child ID Highlights:
New Features V2.x:
- Any photos and/or information you previously entered will not be transferred when installing this update. Please re-create profiles using new format.
- Notifications will alert users when profile updates are recommended.
- Users have the ability to send an additional hi-res photo of a child.
- Include a default e-mail address for your local police department.
- Auto-populate addresses and phone numbers across profiles.
- Add photos for identifying characteristics (birthmarks, scars, etc.).
- Set and send your phone's location as your child's last known location.
Organize Your Child's Information
- Create as many child profiles as you need.
- Use your phone camera and photo library to take and upload photos of each child.
- Add and update key identifying information.
Know What To Do
- Get safety tips on keeping your child out of harm's way.
- Learn what to do in first few critical hours after a child goes missing.
- Visit additional links with resources for families and victims.
Get Information to Authorities in an Emergency
- Quickly call 911 or the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
- E-mail your child's pictures and information to authorities.
- Show identifying information to security or law enforcement officers on the spot.
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