Réservez un trajet en taxi pour Londres et l'Irlande, les transferts d'aéroport et les voyages d'affaires.
Hailo est le moyen le plus simple de faire un tour, haut la main! Set your pickup location, select a car of your choice, tap Hailo Now and that's it! Disponible au Royaume-Uni - Londres, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool | Irlande - Nationwide | Espagne - Barcelone, Madrid | Singapour - Nationwide.
Suivez votre voiture en temps réel car il s'agit de vous chercher en quelques minutes. Ou tout simplement se détendre et nous détendre, nous vous informerons lorsque votre voiture sera arrivée. Les paiements sont simples et se produisent directement à partir de l'application afin que vous puissiez simplement sortir lorsque vous arrivez à destination. And safety is a top Hailo priority -- all of our drivers are licensed by the local authority.
Commencez avec 10 £ ou 10 € sur votre premier trajet, choisissez le bon code promotionnel pour votre ville:
AppLDN | Appmnc | Appleeds | Appliv | Applaudir
Why choose Hailo ?
Définir votre emplacement de ramassage est un jeu d'enfant:
Nous nous intégrons à Foursquare et nous nous souvenons de vos emplacements fréquemment utilisés.
Car choices:
Whether in a classic taxi or a luxury car, it's easy to choose how you want to roll.
Fare Quotes:
Never again agree to pay for a fare without knowing about how much it will cost. Use our fare quotes feature to enter your destination, and we'll give you an estimate of how much your fare will cost.
An easy way to pay:
No more fussing with paying for your taxi. Enter your card in our app and we'll safely and securely keep it stored. Add multiple cards if you want, and you can switch between them for any trip. For those that must, don't worry as you can still pay with cash.
Trip History and Receipts:
Handy dandy receipts are kept in your history, and we'll also email you a copy at the end of your trip.
Recover lost items:
One day we left our wallet in the back of a taxi and it made for a pretty bad day. So we thought it would be great if Hailo offered a way to help you recover lost property.
Need a wheelchair accessible taxi? No problem, flip the accessibility switch on and we'll only send accessible vehicles.
Twitter & Facebook integration:
This is major because if you don't tweet or post about your journey, how do people know it actually happened? Did it actually happen?
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