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Comment faire l'oeuf de Pâques avantage libre dans la tombe en noir ops 6 zombies


When a new Call of Duty Zombies map comes out, players jump on to be the first to discover the location's major Easter egg. However, other smaller mysteries usually reveal themselves first. Here's how to do the free Perk Easter egg in The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies.

How To Get a Free Perk in The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies

If you want to stick around Zombies for the long haul, Perks are going to become vital. They can provide boosts to health, speed, damage, and much, much more. Unfortunately, it can take a few rounds to get your hands on all of them, as they are placed within machines across the map. The Perks also cost a pretty penny, which can be a problem when money gets scarce in later rounds.

Thankfully, The Tomb features a simple Easter egg that offers you a free Perk. Here are all the steps to follow to complete it:

  • Have Napalm Burst attached to one of your weapons
  • Head to the Ossuary
  • Light up all six lamps in the room by shooting them

Related: How To Do the Song Easter Egg in The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies

All Perks in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Puisque l'avantage qui tombe pendant l'œuf de Pâques de la tombe est aléatoire dans Black Ops 6 Zombies, c'est une bonne idée de vous familiariser avec tous ceux disponibles dans le jeu. Here's a list of all the Perk-a-Colas and what they do:

Perk-a-Cola Name Perk Description
Deadshot Daiquiri Aiming down sight automatically moves critical location. Increase critical damage to enemies.
Death Perception Detect enemies through obstacles.
Elemental Pop Firing a bullet may apply a random Ammo Mod.
Increase maximum health by 100.
Melee Macchiato Adds a punch to the butt of a gun.
PhD Flopper Immunity to all self-inflicted damage and status effects. Dive to prone triggers an explosion, which increases the higher you fall. Immunity from fall damage while diving prone.
Quick Revive Reduces health regen delay time by 50%. Reduce the time it takes to revive an ally by 50%.
Speed Cola Increase reload and armor replating speed bonus by 30%.
Increase movement speed.
Vulture Aid
Increases the variety of loot dropped from enemies. Additional loot takes the form of Essence Vials and small Ammo drops.

And that's how to do the free Perk Easter egg in The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies. Si vous cherchez d'autres secrets dans le dernier jeu Call of Duty , voici comment faire l'œuf de Pâques mannequin sur Nuketown.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 et Warzone sont maintenant disponibles sur PlayStation, Xbox et PC.

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