
Speed cameras and POIs: huge community, founders of legendary POI-Warner

With POIbase , fines for increased speed are a thing of the past! POIbase is also the ideal app for searching, creating, editing (also private) POIs and planning routes.

Functions and advantages of the POIbase speed camera detector

► Free speed camera warning for all of Europe with current HERE map data.

► Potential mobile & stationary speed traps, constant updates.

► Ideal representation of the speed cameras with speed icon and warning cones

► Voice warning: Announcement of the speed camera type and speed

► over 8 million additional POIs and points of interest from POIbase .

► Comprehensive route planner with many functions such as displaying an altitude diagram and the total altitude meters.

► Fuel price search within the area (for Germany)

► Import and manage your own POI lists (can also be managed via the PC/browser).

► extensive settings for all functions

► optimal display even in landscape format

► Community project: POIbase is supported by, the largest German-speaking online community for POIs & navigation

► One system for everyone: POIbase is available across devices for almost all sat navs.

► Influence active sur le développement / rétroaction possible ici: blitzerwarner-app-android-ios-windows-phone/

► Fast and friendly support by email and telephone

► De vastes catégories de POI et des points d'intérêt comprenaient: des caméras de vitesse, des pièges à vitesse, un contrôle des sections, des caméras de feux de circulation, une géocaching, du gaz naturel, des stations de remplissage de GNC et de GPL, des guichets automatiques, de la restauration rapide et des restaurants, du camping et des parkings de VR, des parkings et des garages de stationnement, des pharmacies, des médecins, des hôpitaux, des têtes de montagne, des têtes de montagne, des piscines de natation Outdoor (Par exemple, Aldi, Real, Rewe, etc.), détaillants spécialisés (par exemple, Markt Media, Saturne, DM, etc.), les grands magasins (par exemple Karstadt, Marktkauf), les églises, les stations d'emballage, les hôtels, les restaurants végétaliens et végétariens, et bien plus encore.

Additional functions of the paid navigation version:

★ Full-fledged navigation with voice output and turn-by-turn instructions

★ worldwide OFFLINE map and OFFLINE POIs

★ Full-fledged navigation also with Android Auto

★ up to 3 alternative routes

★ Manual or automatic traffic jam avoidance with delay display

★ Camper & truck routes taking into account individual vehicle parameters (height, width, weight, trailer)

★ Speed ​​limit monitoring: maximum permissible speed. always in view

★ Start agent: Auto start when driving or Bluetooth connection

★ Overlay widget windows freely on top of other apps

★ Bluetooth support

★ Smartwatch / Android Wear support

★ Part of the paid navigation version of POIbase for only €2 per month

POIbase on the web:

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