
Meet Robin -- your infotainment assistant on the road!

** CNET: "... Robin has depth" ! **

Robin , by Audioburst, is your voice assistant on the go.

Keep your eyes on the road while Robin plays your favorite audio content from top podcasts and radio stations.

Whatever your interests - NBA, celebs, history, politics, design, gourmet food - just tell Robin and she'll build you a playlist.

And when you need to make a quick call or get directions Robin can do that too.

Hands-free features including:

* Personalized playlist including traffic, weather and local news reports. Just say “play my personal playlist”

* Topical Playlists - Demandez des nouvelles sur l'une de ces catégories populaires: sports, divertissement, nouvelles, nouvelles mondiales, santé, science, entreprise ou technologie

* Send a text by voice, set reminders & alarms

* Get directions, locate parking lots and gas stations around you.

* Post, view and share from Facebook

** Endorsed by TechCrunch, CNET, Wired, Lifehacker, TechRadar, etc. **

Robin is an Infotainment assistant that can be both useful and fun, constantly learning and adapting to you. Just tap the microphone button and Robin will be all ears.



• Robin is currently in Beta - she's still a student. That means you can watch her intelligence evolve daily and even get to contribute a little. Come be a part of the experience!

* Permissions:

Robin will never email your contacts without your knowledge!

To set reminders she'll need permission to access your calendar, and to Gmail for email narration - that's all!

• Having trouble with a particular location? Missing a point of interest? Any other issue?

For best results, give your feedback to Robin from right within the app - just say 'feedback'.

Examples of useful commands


News Commands

Personal playlist

* Play my Personal Playlist

* Add Taylor swift to my playlist.

Weather & Traffic

* What's the weather like in San Diego tomorrow?

* Is it snowing in Miami?

* I'm in New York

News & Updates

* What's the latest on Lebron James?

* Tell me something about Kim Kardashian?

* Play Top Stories

* Play Entertainment news

* Play Tech news

* Play Sports news

* Play Business news


* Where is the nearest Starbucks?... Can I park there?

* Find Thai restaurants in SF... How about French?

* Find a burger place ... Does it have a good rating?


* Go to 1234 Lombard San Francisco

* Directions to Hollywood and Highland

Gas Stations

* Where is the cheapest gas in Santa Monica?

Texting, calling & email

* Call Joe / text Jill

* Read my email to me


* Remind me to exercise tonight!


* Read my Facebook feed

* Post on Facebook


* Tell me a joke!

What's New in the Latest Version 5.70

Last updated on Sep 26, 2021 This latest version includes more bug fixes.

En savoir plus


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