  • SIP HorsePower Dyno Free

    SIP HorsePower Dyno Free

    8.8 2.0571 2024-12-22

Tested and well reviewed by Sticky (in Scootering January 2013)

Sticky: "The fact that it works at all - let alone working this well - is just plain wizardry"

This is the Free Version, no values are displayed at the result screen and results cannot be saved.

This app is very technical and you need to clearly understand the instructions.

Cette application Contrairement à toutes les autres applications dyno, n'utilise pas le capteur d'accélération de votre appareil ou la vitesse GPS, car les deux ne sont pas assez exacts pour obtenir un bon résultat de mesure.

Il fonctionne très similaire au logiciel d'un dyno, seulement avec le dyno à ponts à ponts, vos essais auront lieu dans la rue et non sur le dyno. Instead of accelerating a massive metal cylinder like on a dyno, the scooter is being accelerated on the street while riding it. Put simply: get on your scooter and ride at full throttle. The quicker the acceleration of the scooter, the greater its performance.

Le logiciel doit donc déterminer à quelle vitesse le scooter accélère, ce qui est fait de la manière la plus simple par le traitement du signal numérique des bruits du moteur.

Some of you will think now:

“I see, the louder, the higher the performance of the engine, now that's more of the common gibberish!”

We all learned early through our mechanics career that this just ain't so. Sound levels really are no indication for performance at all. The SIP HorsePower Dyno can measure the rpm of the engine not by analyzing the sound level, but by analyzing the exact frequency. The faster the rpm increases, the better the performance of the engine (all other conditions being identical). Luckily, the gear ratio of our Vintage scooters remains the same as long as there is no shift of gears. De cette façon, la vitesse peut être calculée à partir du régime tout comme vous pouvez ensuite calculer les performances par le changement de vitesse qui équivaut à l'accélération. To obtain the most realistic performance value possible, it is recommended to enter a couple of values as precisely as possible:

- overall weight

- tire circumference

- Cw-Value

- air pressure

- température

- gear ratio

If you know the Windows programs SIP Dyno and GSF Dyno, you know how exact these measurements are.

You can find a couple of comparisons between GSF Dyno, this App and a real dyno (P4) at my Google+ Page.


- This App only works if you can shift the gears. So it works for scooters like Vespas or Lambrettas. The method doesn't work with automatic scooters.

- This App might not work for cars, which have a good acoustic insulation.

- There have been good results with the GSF Dyno and cars or motorcycles. However i cannot test this, since I only drive a Vespa. I will update this if I get some good feedback from guys using this App with other vehicles, but until then I cannot promise any good result.

Please be aware that this is a very technical App. I cut the important things down as much as i could and added a "?-Button" on every page inside the App. Please read the information carefully. If you have any problems, contact me and I will guide you through.

Supported by SIP Scootershop GmbH

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