Deep inside of the jungle lives the Jungle Queen. Abandoned as a child, she was raised by the apes and has become one of their own! The only thing that separates her from her ape family is her love for Slots of the Jungle Queen ! Mega Slot gagne et des tours gratuits! Jouez maintenant!
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To avoid the wild beasts lurking around the jungle floor, the Jungle Queen became a master tree climber! She can climb the highest trees in the jungle and jump from tree to tree without ever missing a beat!
Beloved by her fellow jungle animal friends, the Jungle Queen is always busy! Eating, playing, swinging in the trees and defending her family! The only down time she has is playing slots on the jungle floor!
A lifetime of slots will make you pretty darn good! They Jungle Queen has been playing her whole life – and has doubled down on some pretty awesome jackpots! If she was playing in a Vegas casino – she would be one rich queen!
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