Thunderdome Slots ! Mega Slot gagne et des tours gratuits! Jouez maintenant!
The year is 2136. 30 years ago, a nuclear bomb exploded in the heart of New York, wreaking havoc across the globe. The entire city was left in ruins, anarchy and chaos ruled the streets. Now a there is a new law - the law of blood, in which gladiators battle to the death! The more pain the better!
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In this post-apocalyptic world the gladiators rule. They are second to none and could kill you for merely looking at them! But the truth is, everyone knows these gladiators have a soft spot – and that is for multi-line slots!
How do the gladiators secure their power and influence? That's simple, they show what they are made of in the Thunderdome! Tens of thousands come to cheer on their favorite fighters as they fight individually and in teams! Some on motorcycles some on foot. This is a no-rules-anything-goes battle!
Once there are no survivors left in the opposition, the game is over! People come from all around the land to taste blood and live the action! Many survivors say they are happy that the bomb hit, because we never would have gotten away with the Thunderdome before!
You can't help but love Thunderdome Slots ! The sound of the slots will have you joining the Thunderdome in a battle royal! Cette machine à sous multi-ligne vous fera jouer pendant des heures. HD graphics that will make you become a gladiator! Spins gratuits, multiplicateur de boost, pari maximum plus grand et bien plus encore.
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