Économisez du temps et de l'argent pendant la semaine de la flotte! GPS, Weight Stations, Rerouting, Download!
Download the Trucker App & GPS for Truckers free today!
L'application de camionneur et le GPS pour les camionneurs sont l'application numéro un pour les camionneurs, les instructions tournées à tour qui vous permettent d'ajouter plusieurs emplacements et d'éviter les emplacements. The Trucker GPS gives you all the benefits of directions with the capability to add any stops you want, up to a total of 7 stops! View Weight Stations, Travel Centers, Rest Areas, and Much More! With options to have direct navigation, or route planner no matter where you are going the Trucker App & GPS for Truckers will get you there.
Trucker App & GPS for Truckers Features:
- MPG price calculator
- Share your location with friends
- Rerouting to avoid areas you do not want to stop at
- Direct Navigation
- Auto-finish option when typing ending destination
- Turn by Turn Voice Guided Navigation
- Listed Directions and Interactive Map
- Satellite or Map views
- Add Terrain with Map view
- Add Labels with Satellite view
- Route Planner to let you add stops along your trip
- Weigh Station Locations
- Travel Centers
- Business Locations
- Add up to 7 total stops to the route planner
- Add stops options let you calculate your trip with out the stops and then with the stops
- Get route takes you to a map that can easily change to a listed direction and back to the map
- Add places to your map including: Travel Centers, Rest Areas, and Weigh Stations
- Free 7 Day Trial for Full Access of Route Planner only 8.99 a month!
- Mileage Calculator
- Retour
- Help button
- Google Integration
L'application Trucker & GPS pour les camionneurs est livrée avec une calculatrice de kilométrage pour vous indiquer votre MPG, le coût total du gaz, le prix par mile pour le gaz et le total des miles parcourus. Fabriqué spécifiquement pour les camionneurs, l'application Trucker et GPS pour les camionneurs vous permettra de voir des centres de voyage, des zones de repos, des stations de pesage avec juste un bouton, en choisir un, choisir deux ou choisir les trois. The Trucker App & GPS is designed to let all three show on the map at the same time.
No Matter where you want to go the Trucker App & GPS for Truckers is what you need to get you there! Free to Download and only 8.99 a month for the hands on directions you have been waiting for. The Trucker App & GPS is made to make your life easier, with not only directions but mileage information! Not sure if this is the App you want, try the FREE 7 Day trial, you will love it and if you don't you have nothing to lose! GEOLocation makes it so you can start from anywhere even if you don't know where you are!
Get started with our Trucker GPS system and you'll love how easy it works as you keep your friends up to date on your location.
Try Trucker App & GPS for Tuckers today, to make your life easier!
Continually updated mapping systems are the key to getting you where you need to be and the Trucker App & GPS has it and more!
Clause de non-responsabilité:
We do our best to make sure all of the information is up to date. Cependant, en raison de la taille massive et de la quantité d'informations, il est de la responsabilité de l'utilisateur de s'assurer qu'il utilise l'application de manière responsable. We will do our best to continue to update and our users may help or assist us by letting us know these issues when arise. We look forward to hearing you, until then enjoy the the mapping application and your trip. If you have any questions or need anything please contact us right away, you can visit our website at http://www.abmobileapps.com. Trucker app is designed to provide the best mapping and guidance features for truckers. This includes showing the locations of scales, weigh stations, travel centers and more.
With the integrated GPS system feel free to share your location with friends. Get started today and Download trucker app for truckers now!
Our Trucker GPS system is a must have for every trucker driver.
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