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  • FREE Task ToDo List manager

    FREE Task ToDo List manager

    9 1.5 2024-12-26
    Business Office

SenseToDo:FREE Task ToDo List manager.

SenseToDo:FREE Task ToDo List manager.

Discover your new personal assistant to help you manage lists of tasks your have to do.

SenseToDo is free, simple & effective.

You will miss no more any personal tasks, planed appointments, critical events or dead-lines.

All you have to do is enter your tasks and our todo-app it will remaid you what you had planed to do.

SenseToDo will help You to manage all Your personal and business tasks.

You can also assign tasks to many groups and then see what you have to do from multiple perspective.

For example one task/subtask can be visible in BUSINESS, FINANCE and SHOPING LIST groups(master tasks).


* order list of master tasks(groups) by drag&drop

* order list of tasks/sub tasks by drag&drop

* manage multiple groups of tasks(subtasks)

* build in reminders of tasks

* schedule tasks with Google calendars

* assign Google contacts to task

* access directly from application feature like:

- send SMS at task screen

- send emails from task screen

- make phone calls not living your todo app

* send list of tasks/todos via email

* This is what You can do with your ToDo database:

- do database backup

- do database restore

- do send via email

Currently supported languages:

English, Polish.

We will be very grateful If You want to help us to prepare any other language version.

Pleas contact us.

Help us to improve our ToDo-app.

Thanks to your comments and remarks we will learn what are the needs and expectations of our users.


Task manager, ToDo List, Todo Reminders, plane tasks with Google Calendar, assign Contacts and Notes

What's New in the Latest Version 1.5

Last updated on Mar 13, 2016 1) Corrections

- Added capability of sorting tasks by the date or drag & drop
- Fixed errors in reminders
- Fixed a bug with the choice of calendar

2) New Features

- Presentation of the tasks and groups using the tabs
- Added language support:
a) French
b) Russian
- The possibility of adding tasks that are not assigned to any group
- The ability to add tasks via SMS
SMS text: #TODO buy paper
- Changes in the appearance of the application

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