All essential information on Ceará weather that you might need is now just a click away. Presented clearly, elegantly and sourced from FUNCEME, a reserch institute for Meteorology and Water Resources for the Ceara State Government. Also, weather forecast is done for main cities of the Northeast Region of Brazil. Although this version is fully operational already, our team is working hard on improvements. This app and its updates are completely free.
. "Previsão" (Forecast) - so you know what to expect for the next 3 days in the cities of your choice in the Northeast of Brazil.
. "Tempo Agora" (Current weather) - so you know what is happenning now.
. Radar - Animated weather radar images. In this version we are making available only the images of the Fortaleza Weather Radar, but soon the product will show the images of the Quixeramobim Weather Radar as well.
. Satélite - Animated GOES 13/INMET Satellite images for the Northeast Region.
This application provides frequently updated weather information (forecasts, observations, radar and satellite images) from FUNCEME.
The weather information it provides is the highest quality available (ie from official government sources), is kept optimally up-to-date, and is delivered in an atractive and clear format.
Forecast of up to 3 days are available for main cities of the Northeast of Brazil and all municipalities of Ceara State (184).
Local observations from up to 70 stations (precipitation, temperature, humidity, radiation, wind speed and direction) are available for some sites spreaded within the Ceara State.
Radar and satellite images has been optimized to be transmitted quickly to your device. For the radar application you can apply zoon as you wish. Each radar and satellite image is labeled with its time/date.
The developer team is formed by computer scientists (BSc), meteorologists (PhDs) and engineers (PhDs).
1. This application contains weather data "only" for Ceará State and Northeast Region of Brazil, but it is available to users from other regions/countries.
2. This application uses Internet connection to access the data directly from FUNCEME, therefore it is recommended that the user has a data plan to avoid overcharging.
3. To help the development comment on what device you used this application or contact by e-mail ([email protected]).
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