Italian Journal of Nephrology (Gin), Official Organ of the Sin
The Italian newspaper of Nephrology ( GINefrologia ), historical and authoritative information body of the Italian Society of Nephrology, since 1984 offers the most updated medical scientific communication in the form of reviews, articles, clinical cases aimed at continuous education in medicine.
Through the app it is possible to have direct and quick access to the articles of all the online numbers of GINefrologia :
Push notifications, and the meter on the icon allow you to always be informed about the publication of a new number of the newspaper.
The latest issue of the newspaper is displayed on the home page while all the previous numbers can be consulted in the archive section. On this page a research function allows you to easily find scientific works.
The articles of each volume are ordered in an index that reports type, title and authors.
The selection of an article allows you to view the abstract, also available for off-line, and the link with which to access the complete text published online.
Authentication with login to the first access, allows you to access all online content in a direct and quick way.
A graphics optimized for tablet allows you to improve the use of content.
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