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Muslim Children's game is suitable for children aged 2 to 14 years.

This Game Anak Muslim is very suitable for children aged 2 to 14 years.

Through this game, children can learn about many things such as knowing fruits, getting to know hijaiyah letters, recognizing Latin letters, and knowing various types of letters.

Benefits of Game Anak Muslim :

1. Can sharpen the child's brain by remembering pictures and letters.

2. Speed ​​up children in learning Latin letters and hijaiyah letters.

3. Introducing the names of various types of fruit to children.

4. Introducing the names of various types of numbers in children.

Game Anak Muslim features:

1. Can be used offline.

2. The storage area of ​​game installations can be moved to the SD Card (Memory Card).

3. Using Indonesian.

4. Quality images.

5. Sound adapted to the world of children.

good luck

Hopefully it can be useful ..

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