GameON allows you to forecast matches of the Copa América playing with friends
How much do you know about soccer? Play with your friends forecasting results of 2016 Copa America Centennial, participate in groups and beat your Facebook friends.
Enter your forecast for the Copa America matches:
- Score 5 points if you hit exact result
- Score 4 points if you hit goal difference
- Score 3 points if you hit the winner or draw
* In case of penalty kicks previous tie result shall be taken as final.
Each match has past statistics so you can improve your guess and a live feed of tweets so you do not miss anything before, during and after the game.
You will also receive pre-game notifications so you don't forget to enter your guess.
You can also create or join groups:
- See your position in the ranking of the group
- Invite friends to group
- Chat with your friends group
In GameON you can show your friends who the best soccer handicapper is.
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