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Launches/stops GrooVe IP app based on your current connectivity state.

Have 4G service some of the time and only want to use GrooVe IP when you're connected to 4G? Is 3G too slow to maintain a good voice quality, but LTE works better for you? This app is for you! When your device gets 4G connectivity, it will launch GrooVe IP. When you lose 4G connectivity, it will stop GrooVe IP.


- Obviously requires GrooVe IP in order to start GrooVe IP.

- If wifi is connected, it will not start GrooVe IP.

- "4G" for the purposes of this app does not include HSPA.

- This app only works with the full version of GrooVe IP, as the Lite version specifically says in its description that it only works with wifi and not your data connection.

Additional notes: This app is in beta for now, but works on all the devices I've used for testing. Please email me if you have any problems and I'll investigate. Additionally, let me know if you have any feature requests.

** Not affiliated with GrooVe IP or SNRB LABS, LLC **

What's New in the Latest Version 0.2

Last updated on Oct 25, 2015 - New icon
- Now free!

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