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  • Guess the Airlines

    Guess the Airlines

    8.4 3.19.8z 2024-12-05
    Text puzzle

Can you guess all of the Airlines of the world? Come and play this fun free quiz

How well do you know your airlines or planes? Guess the Airlines is a fun free quiz for everyone including kids. Can you spot and name all the airline logos in the sky?

Can you guess all of the airlines in this game without using the hints? Are you an Aviation geek with a love of airlines, aircraft and planes?

This is a fun game which will ask you to solve each puzzle of the airline by deciding Who the Airline is, Which country is the airline from, finish the airlines name or who owns the airline?


It is simple and fun to play Guess the Airlines.

★First you need to tap on the tile to show part of the airlines picture. You can only tap 11 times and the less tiles opened the more coins you will earn!

★When you think you can solve the question from the tiles you have opened exposing the airline type in the answer!

★If you get the answer right you will move onto the next airplane to Guess the Airline.

★If you get the airline or country of origin wrong you can use your coins to get a hint. The hint is the light bulb.

This free fun Guess the Airlines game is for everyone, especially those who love the skies and picking the different airlines apart at airports all around the world!

I hope you enjoy this airline game and if you have any airplane suggestions for the app please use the contact details below! We appreciate all the airlines suggestions so far!

Take Flight and keep on flying aviators!

More planes are coming soon to the quiz.

★Become a fan of Guess the Airlines on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/guesstheairlinesapp

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