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  • Hammer nail blow finger

    Hammer nail blow finger

    8.1 1.2 2024-12-21
    Simulation Business

Hammer a nail into a tree hit a finger as a builder! Simulator

Hammer blow finger nail - a simulator hammer builder joke game, where instead of a carpenter working tool - your finger! Bay and much finger right on the nail - so youll be able to score more nails into the wood! The more you play, the stronger the muscles in your hands! Use this simulator as a trainer, and bleeding fingers!

CAUTION Simulator "finger nail Hammer" - this is a game! Do not try to beat the phone hard objects - you can damage your phone or tablet! Phone can not assess the strength and precision strike, all the results are issued randomly bumps! You can only affect the rate of appearance of new nail, but not in the driving speed of the board!

Hammer nails into the tree as quickly as possible and set a record among all the friends! Prove that the work of a carpenter - a job for real men, and you would be a great builder! But in real life is still using hammers and other tools, rather than bare hands and fingers, no matter how strong they you were not after using this simulator simulator!

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