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Height Converter, centimeters to feet inches & vice versa (foot/ inch to cm)

- Free Height Converter, simple and quick tool to convert your height from centimeters to feet / inches and vice versa (from foot inch to cm).

- Express your height in either the metric system (cm) or the US Customary System (foot inch).

- Useful tool to quickly know how tall people are when they express their height in their own different units.

- If you see any problem with the app or have any question/feedback please email us.

- Conversor de Altura. Convertir la altura de los pies / pulgadas a centímetros, y viceversa.

- Convertisseur de hauteur. Autre hauteur de pieds / pouces de centimètres, et vice versa.

- Höhe Konverter. Konvertieren Höhe von Fuß / Zoll in Zentimeter und umgekehrt.

- 高度转换 | 身長コンバータ | ऊंचाई कनवर्टर | Высота преобразователя | Taas converter | Tinggi converter.

- Tags: height calculator, free, Height Converter, feet inches, centimeter, convert height, how tall, cm, in, ft, foot.

A.B.E.M.O.S apps 2013

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