  • Hockey Nations 2011 THD Demo

    Hockey Nations 2011 THD Demo

    8 1.0.2 2024-12-04

Hockey Nations 2011 (Demo) comes to Tegra 2 powered Android devices.

This is the free demo version of Hockey Nations 2011 THD optimized for Tegra 2 powered devices.

Full version features:

By incorporating improved skin meshing, specular maps, and increased polygon count on player models, Hockey Nations 2011 THD is the most visually enhanced version of the game on any mobile platform. Distinctive Games took advantage of the NVIDIA® Tegra™ processor even further by adding player reflections on the ice and animated crowd behavior.

These added graphical features continue their mission of bringing the ultimate experience of international hockey to the hands of hockey lovers – first and without compromise.

Pick your team from 18 international teams or play as your favorite team from anywhere around the World by customizing any of the 40 available city teams. Jam-packed with hockey action across 6 game modes from practice to World League, Hockey Nations 2011 THD will turn any puckhead into an international ice warrior.


NVIDIA® Tegra™ Enhancements

Specular maps on players, reflections on ice, increased polygon count, improved skin meshing and animated crowd behavior.

18 International Teams

USA, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Latvia, Czech Republic, Belarus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Great Britain, Japan and Russia.

40 Customizable City Teams

Now you can customize a city to match your favorite team from anywhere in the World and bag the trophy in Playoff Cup.

6 Game Modes

Dive into the action with 6 game modes including World League, Go for Gold, Shootout, Exhibition, Playoff and Practice.

Fight it Out

You asked for it and now it’s here! The gloves are off so fight your way into the penalty box for a cool down.

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