Communicate + is an application that allows stacking sentences using symbols.
Application of ICT-AAC + Communicator allows stacking of phrases and sentences using symbols that can be integrated photos taken with the device camera, pictures in the gallery device or symbols from the three non-commercial galleries (ARAASAC, Mulberry and Sclera). Using the intuitive user interface the user finds the desired symbol and clicking on its image recording adds it to the toolbar intended to display the current phrase.
Language - matrix in which communication takes place and thus learning about the world around us - is multidimensional
system consisting of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. All the linguistic components present in multi-member statements, and when we talk about assisted communication, they are reflected in the organization of the testimony alternative symbolic means to everywhere-and-nowhere specific way. With regard to the development of the science of language and detailed knowledge of its adoption in the various developmental conditions, surprising too small number of interactive tools that respect the specificity of the ways in which individuals who use assisted communication, master the language or use it to convey their feelings, needs, desires and knowledge others.
We can proudly say that the ICT-AAC + Communicator application that better "understands" the challenges of communication people
with assisted communication. When developing applications Communicator + was taken into account that for the creation of semantic knowledge of the person who used assisted communication significantly alleviate disparity between linguistic input (speech and symbol) and outputs (only symbol).
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