Online small business accounting & bookkeeping software for growing businesses
Zoho Books is your single-window online accounting app. Melacak arus kas Anda, rekonsiliasi laporan bank Anda, memantau pengeluaran Anda, mengawasi proyek Anda, dan menempatkan kepatuhan pajak Anda pada autopilot.
Download Zoho Books now to customize your accounting, understand your financial well-being, and everything in between.
Highlights of the app
★ Accounts receivable
Handling your accounts receivable doesn't have to be a source of stress. Send automated invoices and email reminders, receive online payments, and much more in a click of a button. Get paid faster and bring stability to your cash flow.
★ Accounts payable
Keep an eye on your expenses and bills, record customer credits and capture expenses automatically with Zoho Books.
★ Client connection
No more lengthy email threads and manual reminders. Bekerja sama dengan klien Anda menggunakan portal klien Zoho Book, di mana mereka dapat melihat faktur dan perkiraan mereka, memeriksa pembayaran yang telah mereka lakukan, dan menilai layanan Anda.
★ Multi-user collaboration
Zoho Books makes collaborating with your team and accountant easy. Add users to your organization using standard roles like Admin and Staff, or customized roles with the exact levels of access you choose.
★ Take your business online
Collect timely payments for your invoices online. Zoho Books menawarkan pembayaran ACH melalui gateway khusus otorisasi.NET dan Forte, serta integrasi dengan gateway pembayaran online besar seperti Stripe dan PayPal untuk menjaga proses pembayaran cepat dan bebas repot.
★ Stress-free tax seasons
Zoho Books reduces the burden of your sales tax returns and 1099s. Siapkan pajak Anda sebelum Anda melakukan penjualan, dengan mudah menghitung kewajiban pajak penjualan Anda, melacak pembayaran kontraktor untuk persiapan 1099, dan berintegrasi dengan avatax Avalara standar industri.
★ Powerful reports
Zoho Books menawarkan kepada Anda papan tulis yang mengesankan dari lebih dari 50 laporan di setiap kategori keuangan bisnis dan memungkinkan Anda untuk menjadwalkan distribusi laporan melalui email.
★ Transaction approval
Implement quality control in your sales process using transaction approval. Verify and approve transactions before you send them out to keep your books error-free.
★ Multi-currency support
Your business can now expand beyond borders. Zoho Books supports transactions in multiple currencies with the option to add more.
★ In-app document management
Archive your documents right inside Zoho Books. Enable the autoscan feature to extract information from your uploaded documents and create new transactions from them automatically.
★ Tight integrations
Zoho Suite berisi lebih dari 40 aplikasi bisnis terintegrasi yang bekerja secara kohesif untuk menyediakan platform untuk setiap aspek bisnis Anda.
★ Project management in your pocket
Keep track of multiple projects, track the time spent on every task, and bill customers right from the app.
★ Handy widgets
Add a Zoho Books widget on your home screen to log time sheet entries, record expenses, and create invoices instantly.
★ Data security
Zoho Books keeps your data secure on the cloud with two-factor authentication, encryption in transit and at rest, and multiple backups.
★ Affordable pricing
Zoho Books' pricing plans are designed to accommodate businesses of all sizes and shapes. Before choosing a plan, you can get a 14-day free trial and experience Zoho Books for yourself.
If you have any questions or need any assistance with Zoho Books, feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected].
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