halaman depanaplikasiBelanja online
  • ASAP54


    9.5 3.0.1 2024-12-15
    Belanja online

Temukan fashion untuk pria & wanita. Tops, shoes, boots, dresses, bags, coats & shirts

ASAP54 - Your search engine for fashion

Search for more than 5 million products from over 600 stores.

Tidak seperti mesin pencari lainnya, saat menggunakan ASAP54 , Anda memutuskan apa titik masuk pencarian dan kami akan mengubah semuanya menjadi item mode yang dapat dibeli, yang berarti Anda bisa:

- Search by text: ie v neck white t-shirt

- Search with any picture you take – go crazy and get inspired by the world around you

- Search by uploading photos from your phone

- Search using Instagram Posts you've liked

- Any image you find inspiration from!

Why is ASAP54 better than a standard search engine?…

- We are a mobile search engine that can empower you to search, shop or wish list anything that you want. ASAP54 is your fashion companion and on top of searching for fashion in various ways you can also use us to:

- Belanja dari Instagram - tautkan akun Instagram Anda ke ASAP54 dan gambar apa pun yang Anda sukai di Instagram akan tersedia di ASAP54 untuk digunakan sebagai gambar pencarian

- Price Comparison – Do you know what you want to buy but want to know if it's cheaper somewhere else? Take a picture of the product, refine by keyword or brand and see if any other stores have it cheaper

- Use any product image to start a search – You've seen a product that is almost what you are looking for but not quite. With ASAP54 you can long tap on the image to use it to start a search to find similar products from any category!

- Cross Category Search – Searching for accessories to match your shoes? Lipstick to match your bag? Cufflinks to match your tie? ASAP54 memungkinkan Anda untuk mencari kategori mode apa pun yang Anda sukai, jadi ambil gambar dari apa yang ingin Anda kecocokan, pilih kategori yang berbeda dan mulai pencarian Anda

- Wish List – Add the products you want to your wish list to save them for later. We will even let you know if the price changes!

- Semuanya tersedia untuk dibeli - Setiap produk di ASAP54 dapat dibeli, jadi tidak ada tautan ke blog atau situs web fashion di mana Anda menulis tentang produk tetapi Anda tidak dapat membelinya

Tips for getting the best search results:

- Refine - Start your search with text or an image, then refine by store, brand, keyword, price and color to get better results faster

- CROP - Gunakan alat perangko untuk fokus pada area gambar yang Anda minati (warna / pola dll.) - Penanaman yang lebih baik berarti hasil yang lebih relevan

- Image Quality - If you are taking your own picture, make sure the lighting is good and the main area of inspiration in the image is clear

Start searching!

Having technical issues? Email our support team on support@ ASAP54 .com

We prefer love letters to hate mail, but all feedback is welcome at: feedback@ ASAP54 .com

Apa yang baru di versi terbaru 3.0.1

Terakhir diperbarui pada 15 Juni 2016 Berikut adalah versi lain dari ASAP54 kami yang sangat trendi dengan peningkatan kinerja keseluruhan dan pengalaman pengguna yang lebih baik. We've tried to make your fashion hunt easier and faster. We've changed the design of our app to make it even more sleek, you will love it!

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