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  • Asia Offline Map Guide Cities

    Asia Offline Map Guide Cities

    9.1 5.0 2024-12-27

Discover Asia with offline map.

★★★ Offline Map China, India, india, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Jepang, Vietnam, Iran, Myanmar, Irak, Uzbekistan dan semua negara Asia lainnya Linke Sri Lanka atau Yaman.

100% Offline & FREE Asia Map with POI databae.

App offer 2 kind of maps

- high resolution detailed online map - when connected to wifi

- less detailed map for offline use

Our Asia offline road map (route map) displays roads and transport and natural geographical information. Offline Asia road map also shows non-automotive tourist routes, and detailed area around the cities.

You can use this map without data roaming, WIFI Connection and hidden costs!

★★★ 11 LANGUAGES supported:

English, german, french, russian, korean, portuguese, spanish, japanese, italian, chinese, thai


App contains database of Asian cities. Our search engine works with all languages, so you can use international or local name of the city.


- complete offline map with GPS geolocation (100% offline)

- currency converter: euro, british pound, US dollar, chinese Youan, Japanese Yen, Korean Won, Rupee, Russian Ruble (offline)

- Phrase Book (Tourist dictionary)

- multilingual interface

- city finder - serch the map in any language!

- weather forrecast with offline mode

- hotels deals (online module) with motels & hostels included

- Things to do & trips

- Attraction Deals: museums, airport transports, walking tours, bike tours, national parks,, jungle, food discovery deals, scuba diving, River Cruise, adventure cruise, zoo safari, elephant riding, canoe tours, fishing tours, Wine Trails, Thai Boxing Match with Transfers, Speedboat Tours, Mountain Safari

- POI finder (like: police, motels, gas stations, airports)

- News reader with information from most popular newspapers


NOW amazing offline weather plugin included! 14 days weather forecast for every thai cities. Plugin works in offline mode. Detailed current weather with information about: conditions, temperature, humidity, pressure.

With our weather plugin you can set any city or region to get actual weather. Weather is available all the time in your phone in offline mode. It's realy nice because you don't need to pay for internet connection and roaming.

Asia is the world's largest and most populous continent, located primarily in the eastern and northern hemispheres. It covers 8.7% of the Earth's total surface area and comprises 30% of its land area. With approximately 4.3 billion people, it hosts 60% of the world's current human population. Asia has a high growth rate in the modern era. For instance, during the 20th century, Asia's population nearly quadrupled.

Asia is defined as comprising the eastwards four-fifths of Eurasia. Terletak di sebelah timur Terusan Suez, Sungai Ural, dan Pegunungan Ural, dan selatan Pegunungan Kaukasus (atau Depresi Kuma -Manych) dan Laut Kaspia dan Hitam diikat di sebelah timur oleh Samudra Pasifik, di selatan oleh Samudra India dan di utara oleh Samudra Ariskik.

Mengingat ukuran dan keragamannya, Asia - sebuah toponim yang berasal dari zaman kuno klasik - "lebih merupakan konsep budaya" menggabungkan beragam wilayah dan orang daripada entitas fisik yang homogen. Asia sangat berbeda di antara dan di dalam wilayahnya sehubungan dengan kelompok etnis, budaya, lingkungan, ekonomi, ikatan historis dan sistem pemerintah.

Apa yang baru di versi 5.0 terbaru

Last updated on Jul 31, 2015 http://hikersbay.com/asia Best time to travel.

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