Learn how to program Dash & Dot robots with visual, drag-and-drop coding.
PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a Wonder Workshop robot - Dash or Dot - and a Bluetooth Smart/LE-enabled device to play. Please visit https://www.makewonder.com/compatibility for a full list of supported devices.
Blockly is a visual drag-and-drop programming tool developed by Google that allows children to snap together commands like puzzle pieces. Take on coding challenges and invent your own creations by using Blockly to control Dash & Dot!
Learn concepts like sequencing, events, loops, algorithms, operations, and variables through self-directed play and guided challenges. Basic puzzles teach the concepts of coding through playful project ideas, allowing kids to learn and explore all on their own. Bonus puzzles are added each week for endless entertainment and learning.
Kids can confidently embark on their own coding adventures with their newfound knowledge, a dash of creativity, and robot buddies - Dash & Dot. For ages 8 and up.
- Connect Dash and/or Dot to the Blockly app using Bluetooth Smart/LE
- Start with a sample project or start your own projects from scratch
- Navigate Dash through a maze or around your home, using object detection to avoid walls
- Dash & Dot know when they are being picked up and moved. Program them to sound the alarm when there is a disturbance!
- Program Dash & Dot to do synchronized dances and moves with lights, motion, and sounds
If you have any questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you! Contact us at any time at https://help.makewonder.com.
Wonder Workshop, pencipta mainan pendidikan dan aplikasi untuk anak-anak yang memenangkan penghargaan, didirikan pada 2012 oleh tiga orang tua dalam misi untuk membuat belajar kode yang bermakna dan menyenangkan bagi anak-anak. Melalui pengalaman bermain dan belajar terbuka, kami berharap dapat menanamkan rasa heran sambil membantu anak-anak mengembangkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah kreatif mereka. We play test with children throughout our product and app development process to make sure our experiences are frustration free and fun.
Wonder Workshop takes children's privacy very seriously. Our apps do not include any third-party advertising or collect any personal information. For more details, please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
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