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Ubah penampilan Anda dengan gaya rambut dan kumis yang keren. Surprise ur friends!!

Makeup for men is a leading photography application for mobile App. Boys MakeOver contains photo making feature like hairstyle makeover , mustache makeup , Sun glasses and hat makeover .

Anda dapat mengubah foto Anda menjadi tampilan jenggot dengan mengubah ekspresi wajah Anda menggunakan app.men kumis dan pengubah gaya rambut adalah aplikasi utama bagi pria yang ingin terlihat seperti jenggot.

Men's hair play very important role in men's look up and Mustache give royal look to men. Boys MakeOver provides all stunning feature to change these looks.

Key features of Boys MakeOver :

Hairstyles: Lots of hair styles are available for men in many different color.

Hat styles: Amazing variety of Hats are available in many colors for men.

Mustache styles: Variety in mustache styles for a mustache makeover.

Kacamata hitam: Berbagai macam kacamata hitam untuk melengkapi gaya jenggot dan kumis Anda. Koleksi kacamata hitam yang akan melengkapi gaya rambut dan kumis Anda.

Magic Filters: Digital filters make photo more stunning and beautiful. App contain these type of amazing filters like instagram filter and more.

How to use Boys MakeOver :

1. Select your Image either from gallery or capture from camera.

2. Click on style like hair /mustache /hat /beard /sun glasses.

3. Scale,move or rotate using your finger to fit hair /mustache /hat /beard /goggles style to your face.

4. Add color to hair /mustache /hat /goggles

5. Adjust hair /mustache /hat /goggles opacity

6. Save the image to the phone's gallery..

7. Share your image through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram,WhatsApp etc. using this hair changer app for men.

We would love to hear if you have any query or suggestions.

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Here You can having more variety of Man Hairstyle stickers for your best face photos. Share your hairstyle photo with friends and family via social networks Facebook, whatsapp, Twitter or Instagram! Man Hairstyle Photo Editor is also known as Man Hairstyle My photo,Man Hairstyle,

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amazing hair styles and mustache styles

Man Hair Mustache Style changer

Collection of beautiful hair and mustache / Beard styles.

Hair color changing option.

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Amazing collection of sunglasses/ goggles to complement your beard and moustache styles.

Man Hairstyle Photo Montage

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