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  • Captego


    9.4 2030.31.5 2025-02-24
    Alat praktis

Deliver better reports, faster.

Aplikasi kamera inspeksi visual penuh-untuk inspeksi visual dalam konstruksi, asuransi, pemeliharaan bangunan dan manajemen fasilitas. And everywhere else where fast inspection and reporting is needed.

In just 2 taps you can capture location, category and a photo of an issue. And with just another couple of taps, you can output a simple and beautiful PDF report. Easily exportable and print-ready.


* So easy anyone can use it

* Realtime sharable reporting

* Annotate your images

* Pin issue to plan drawings

* Categorise issues in multiple nested levels

* Offline mode, so keep working even during connection glitches

* Re-usesable inspection templates

* Control access with granular permissions settings

* And did we mention that it's fast?

What's New in the Latest Version 2030.31.5

Last updated on Feb 21, 2025 Thanks for using Captego ! This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements.

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