CHRWTrucks ® is a free, easy to use app for CH Robinson contract carriers
CHRWTrucks ® adalah aplikasi gratis, mudah digunakan, dan hemat waktu untuk operator kontrak CH Robinson dengan android (untuk smartphone android yang menjalankan Android versi 2.2 atau lebih tinggi). Banyak fitur favorit operator kami dari CHRWTrucks .com tersedia bersama dengan menggunakan teknologi ponsel, yang dirancang untuk membantu Anda mengelola bisnis Anda dengan lebih baik saat bepergian. Cukup masukkan nama pengguna CHRWTrucks aktif Anda, kata sandi, dan buat nomor pin 4 digit untuk dengan cepat menemukan beban, pasca peralatan, masukkan pembaruan status, dan banyak lagi. Now you can enjoy the convenience and efficiency of CHRWTrucks right on your mobile smart phone to keep your business moving forward.
- Find loads faster: Search for loads by origin or destination radius and sort your results by pickup, drop off date and miles. When you find a load that interests you, just hit the call button to contact the CH Robinson branch.
- Check calls: Enter a check call with 2 simple clicks. *location services must be turned on to auto populate location City and State.
- Alerts: Push notifications remind you when loads need status updates and allow you to submit check calls in just two clicks.
- Post full or partial trucks: Let CH Robinson know and whether you have a full or partial truck available. We'll call you if we find something you might like while you're on your way.
- Visibility: Owner operators with more than one truck can have individual carriers see only the loads they are currently working on.
- Access to Google maps: Get directions fast to your pickups and deliveries.
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