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Train your dogs with Dog Whistle !

Train your dog to do tricks!

Train your dog to stop barking!

or if there is a dog next door, use this app to make it silent.


-Variable frequency tone generator

-Bark detector

-Sound level meter

Bagaimana cara kerjanya?

Dogs are capable of hearing sounds at much higher frequencies than people. Dog Whistle bekerja dengan memancarkan nada frekuensi tinggi dalam kisaran yang biasanya tidak ditemui anjing - biasanya antara 14.000 Hz dan 20.000 Hz. The highest frequency a normal middle aged human can hear is 12,000-14,000 Hz, so don't be alarmed if you can't hear the Dog Whistle yourself. These high frequency tones have the effect of immediately getting a dog's attention. Dog Whistle s are typically used as part of a training routine designed to train your dog to do tricks or for behavior modification. A pure tone is much easier for a dog to distinguish compared to verbal commands. Different sound patterns can be used to trigger different responses. For example, two short bursts could mean stop and one long burst could mean lie down. The bark detector feature of this application triggers a tone when the sound level exceeds a threshold. This feature, in addition to training, can be used to help you train your dog to stop barking. Dog Whistle s are great training tools and has been used successfully with all breeds.

Apa yang baru di versi 1.0.3 terbaru

Last updated on Aug 3, 2015 - Package sign problem is hopefully fixed.
- Please uninstall old version and then install new version if you face "Update not available due to signature"

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