halaman depanaplikasiBelanja online

The good plan app, earn money on all shopping, shopping and travel purchases


Thanks to eBuyClub , enjoy the whole year on sale! Tidak perlu lagi perbandingan harga, Anda bisa mendapatkan uang dalam semua pengeluaran online atau di dalam toko, apakah itu setiap hari (belanja makanan, rumah, bank, perbelanjaan) atau sesekali (perjalanan, hotel, olahraga dan rekreasi, teknologi tinggi). Nikmati gratis, sepanjang tahun, pengembalian uang untuk setiap pembelian dari 2600 merek mitra kami (Shein, Aliexpress, Airbnb, SNCF; Zalando, Leclerc, pemesanan, Carrefour, Air France, H&M, Decathlon, Asos, Cdiscount, ..). The eBuyClub app allows you to save money by benefiting from cashback, promo codes, vouchers, discount coupons and gift cards. On average, our users save up to €200/year.

And as a bonus, 3€ are offered to you in your kitty on registration!

Discover our different products:


Consult the list of brands that give you cashback on online or in-store purchases from the app.

Untuk cashback online ?: Pilih merek yang Anda minati, cukup aktifkan cashback, Anda kemudian akan dialihkan ke situs pedagang online. Once the purchase is made, the cashback amount will appear as a refund in your kitty.

Example: during a race, I buy an item at 500€ before tax at Darty. The CashBack is 10%. I receive €50 in my eBuyClub kitty. I can immediately transfer the €53 from my kitty by transfer to my bank account or PayPal.

For an in-store cashback ?: Simply scan your receipt after purchase in store and the cashback amount will appear in your kitty.


This coupon allows you an immediate reduction on an amount with one of our partner brands on any race.

Example: I buy a coupon/voucher worth 200€ at Airbnb with a 5% discount, I immediately get 10€ available and pocketable on my kitty.

? The trick of the even smarter purchase: I buy a coupon with a discount which I am credited immediately in my kitty. Kemudian saya mengaktifkan cashback merek yang sama ini dari aplikasi dan saya membayar untuk pembelian saya dengan kupon, saya kemudian dikreditkan untuk kedua kalinya dengan jumlah cashback yang tersedia. I thus accumulate 2 consecutive reductions on the same purchase!!

? You can pocket the accumulated money in your kitty from €10!


- Earn money and save money on your online shopping by easily activating your cashback

- Take advantage of in-store cashback by discovering all the good deals nearby.

- Find all the promo codes, tips and discount coupons available from a large catalog of merchants

- Diberitahu tentang promosi dan penawaran bagus yang ditawarkan oleh pedagang favorit Anda (peningkatan cashback, kode promo yang tidak ada duanya, pengurangan eksklusif, dll.)

- Consult in real time the balance of your kitty

- It's free !

? Here is a non-exhaustive list of our partner brands by sector:

Travel: Airbnb, SNCF, Booking, Hotels.com, Air France,...

Fashion & Cosmetics: Shein, AliExpress, Nike, Zalando, H&M, Sephora, Primark,...

Food shopping: Leclerc, Carrefour, Auchan, Super U, Monoprix, Casino,...

Culture: Disney, Fnac, Darty,...

? FIND US ALSO On our website: www. eBuyClub .com Ikuti kami di jejaring sosial: https://fr-fr.facebook.com/ebuyclub/https://twitter.com/ebuyclubhtps://www.instagram.com /ebuyclub_fr_fr_htpps:/www.tagram.com /ebuyclub_fr_fr_fr. [email protected]

Happy shopping with eBuyClub !

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