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Bluetooth or Internet-based signaling app for Jeopardy, Family Feud, or any game

Mencari buzzer jeopardy, buzzer permusuhan keluarga, buzzer mangkuk kuis, buzzer trivia, atau memainkan permainan apa pun di mana bel yang diperlukan untuk memutuskan siapa yang berdering terlebih dahulu? This app is a wireless, easy, and free solution! One person plays as a Host, and then up to 15 other devices can join via Bluetooth as Players. Are your players remote? Internet joining is also available! Aplikasi ini tidak mengandung pertanyaan apa pun, tetapi memungkinkan Anda untuk menambahkan cara untuk "buzz in", poin penghargaan, dan/atau menjaga waktu untuk permainan apa pun yang membutuhkannya.

The first Player to signal shows up as green on both his device and to the Host; the rest of the Players are then locked from answering until the Host clears, awards points, and allows more buzzing. Players can see the order in which they buzzed in, even if they weren't first.

You can keep track of scores, and customize the value of right or wrong answers. You can group players into teams, and track scores by both player and by team. You can add optional Bonus Points if your game calls for it. You can even add a Game Timer to know when your game is done! Short on people? One person can serve as both the Player *and* the Host, awarding points while still being able to buzz in!

EZBuzzer could be used for Pub Trivia, Quiz Bowl / College Bowl, games such as Jeopardy or Family Feud, or classroom activities! Replace messy wired buzzer systems with ease...or add an impartial judge to your game instead of guessing who was first!

EZBuzzer primarily works over Bluetooth - no hassle with joining a WiFi network or dropped WiFi signals. Are players not local? EZBuzzer does allow remote players to join via the Internet, if needed. Initial start-up is simple: One person should sign on as a Host or PlayerHost, and then all others as Players. Players will automatically connect to the Host, and then the fun can begin! Tidak suka iklan? You can remove them easily for a small one-time fee. Are you a teacher, or a generous friend? Go Premium and remove ads not just for yourself, but also for any Player while they are connected to your game as a Host.

EZBuzzer is also available on other platforms, and all versions are compatible and can be used together.

Menikmati! Feedback is welcome!

What's New in the Latest Version

Last updated on Nov 6, 2024 Minor code cleanup; no visible changes

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