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FastWayp is a prototype application for a university final year project.

FastWayp dirancang untuk merutekan posisi pengguna ke jalan atau tempat yang diinginkan, menggunakan OpenStreetMap sebagai sumber peta dan MapQuest sebagai sumber rute.

Dengan FastWayp pengguna dapat menavigasi melalui peta dunia - dengan fungsi zoom in dan zoom, pengguna dapat melihat seluruh negara ke jalan -jalan kecil kota. FastWayp also includes a compass and a scale bar that measures the size of the zoomed area.

NOTE: In order to get the map and routes the device needs Internet connection.

This application is still on BETA and it is expected to get further updates.

TESTED ON: Android Wildfire (2.2 Android)

IMPORTANT: It is very appreciated to get constructive feedback from you. Please give it a review and tell us:

- What version of Android and device you are using

- Any comments about the application – good and/or bad

- What would you change

- Future implementations that you would like to see

Any comments please contact us on: [email protected]


Complete this survey to help the evaluation part of this project. Again, feedback is very appreciated as it will help future development of this application

This is a BETA application and not a fully professional application - it may be susceptible to errors. Glamorgan University dan pengembang tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan yang mungkin terjadi, dan dengan mengunduh aplikasi ini di atas Anda menyetujui pengakuan ini.

What's New in the Latest Version BETA 1.7

Last updated on Sep 9, 2015 1.0 - User Interface
1.1 - Map Activity
1.2 - Getting addresses
1.3 - Routing
1.4 - Saved Places
1.4.1 - Route Saved Places
1.5 - Code and GUI improvments
1.5.1 - Code reduction; Faster GUI and routing
1.5.2 - GUI supporting for 1.5 and above
1.5.3 - Supports Android 1.5
1.6 - Options
1.6.1 - About
1.6.2 - Route Color
1.6.3 - Units Distance
1.6.4 - Application language
1.7 - Software Testing on Emulator (on 1.5, 1.6, 2.2 and 2.3)

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