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  • Frases e Mensagens

    Frases e Mensagens

    7.4 2.5.1 2025-01-26
    Hiburan hidup

Bagikan frasa dan pesan cinta yang indah, selamat pagi, motivasi, ulang tahun

Share beautiful phrases and beautiful ready-made messages with friends, lovers and family on Whatsapp, SMS, Facebook, Instagram or wherever you want, as text or images with phrases!

Salah satu aplikasi tertua di pasaran, ia memiliki basis kategori yang lengkap dengan ribuan frasa cinta yang indah, selamat pagi, selamat siang, selamat malam, motivasi, status, selamat ulang tahun, menarik, kebijaksanaan, refleksi, persahabatan, agama, dinyanyikan, kutipan, dan banyak lagi.

☆ Lengkap dalam fitur:

[✔] Ribuan frasa indah;

[✔] Organisasi ke dalam kategori frasa siap pakai;

[✔] gambar latar belakang;

[✔] gambar yang disarankan berdasarkan kategori;

[✔] Paket frasa dan gambar baru secara konstan;

[✔] Cakupan tanggal khusus seperti Hari Valentine, Hari Ibu dan Ayah, Paskah, Hari Wanita, Natal dan Tahun Baru.

[✔] Berbagi Cepat;

[✔] Pintasan untuk mengirim frasa ke whatsapp;

[✔] Salin pesan;

[✔] Quotes of the day;

[✔] Edit phrase;

[✔] History;

[✔] Favorites;

[✔] Works without internet;

[✔] Easy to use.

Jadilah bagian dari komunitas dan kirim saran Anda ke tim kami dengan mengevaluasi aplikasi di sini di Google Play atau mengirim email ke [email protected].

Let the right phrase impact you. Download now!

☆ If you need more information, check below:

❤️ Love Quotes: Looking for the perfect love message? Share short love phrases sung, conquest, boyfriends, declaration of love and more.

? Good morning, good afternoon and good night phrases: Always have a good morning and good night message to share. Good Morning Quotes adalah kategori paling populer aplikasi.

? Motivational Quotes : There are days when we just need motivational quotes to get back on our feet. Di sini Anda akan menemukan frasa motivasi untuk dibaca atau dikirim.

? Phrases for Status : Keep your status for WhatsApp up to date, very useful also to use as a caption for photos.

? Birthday Quotes: Go beyond congratulations and happy birthday! Jangan biarkan tanggal khusus tidak diketahui, rayakan bersama dengan frasa yang indah dan pesan ulang tahun.

? Talking Up: Do you start talking easily? Terkadang hal yang paling sulit adalah memulai percakapan, tetapi dengan pesan yang siap untuk memunculkan subjek, semuanya lebih mudah.

☯ Quotes of Wisdom: The right word can turn a bad day around. Baca frasa refleksi dan bagikan kebijaksanaan.

? Friendship Quotes: Keep the bonds active with friendship messages specially designed for that very special relationship.

? Religious phrases: With the categories God and faith you can send a message of peace to your groups.

? Quote Images: Go beyond text and create beautiful quote images with just 1 click. Perfect for sharing an even more distinctive message, with background images and varied fonts.

? Quotes of the day: This feature is a champion for those who like to share messages every day. The message of the day is already chosen for you and prioritizes strong categories such as good morning, wisdom, motivation, status.

✨ New Content: Constantly updated with new phrase packs in Portuguese, background images and fonts so you always have news.

? Special Dates: Coverage of commemorative dates with messages from Mother's and Father's Day, Easter, Valentine's Day, Children's Day, Christmas, New Year and others.

? Edit: Customize your message by editing any sentence before sharing, so you leave it with your face and the recipient feels more special.

✅ Practicality and ease of use: Fast sharing and shortcut to Whatsapp, option to copy message, history and favorites. And it works even without internet.

That is all! Now it's up to you: click install and test the app.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.5.1

Last updated on Jan 25, 2025 Oi! Reduzimos algumas propagandas para uma melhor experiência no app.

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