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GO Locker Theme cupcake heart Muffin (or muffin) - round cupcakes

GO Locker Theme cupcake heart ONLY WORKS with GO Locker application, if you don't have it, download from Google Play.

This applications helps You customization and personalization your GO Locker with beautiful, pink wallpaper, fonts and icons.

Theme is pink and blue and milky shake muffins. Muffins are those creamy chocolate muffines or cakes, to eat. In the background you can see red, orange - pink background. A master plan, a delicious milk-chocolate sugar and coffee bun - heart vanilla red, green and blue cakes. Muffin with fresh whipped ice cream and white ice cream with strawberry hearts gift. :) Red sweet amor valentine background remind you of all the romantic moments.

Muffin (atau Muffin) - Cupcakes berbentuk donat bundar dengan berbagai aditif, keduanya manis (misalnya, kismis, cokelat, kacang -kacangan, buah -buahan, dan bahkan kacang) dan dibumbui (misalnya, sayuran, atau bahkan daging).

Sometimes served hot with butter when called. tea time in the UK.

If you very like color pink and orange / red in your device. Those cakes make you love and loving and happiness.

This theme is about cute and sweet milk shake, pink and red and very nice sweets. This free theme have a great beautiful wallpaper and icons.

Kulit Lucu Baru untuk Tema Golocker = Susu Cupcake Dengar adalah tema putih, ungu, violet, dan itu manis dan merah muda yang dirancang khusus untuk anak perempuan/gaya feminin. Make you and your lover full of sweet about food or buttery bun.

Jika Anda suka permen, kue, permen, permen, atau tema wafer dan kue, kami harap Anda juga akan menyukai gaya merah muda, raspberry, shake ruby ​​ini.

Everything has been designed specifically for people who love pink, orange, red and white colors.

1. Download and install for free, GO Locker and GO Launcher EX from Google Play

2. Go to MENU

3. Press Preferences

4. Click Themes

5. Press Locker tab

6. Press Installed

7. Choose Your favorite unlock theme

8. Press apply to set this theme - GO Locker Theme cupcake heart

This is a custom lockscreen replacement app with a charging animated battery. Looks like a iPhone Lock!

GO Locker, design to GO Launcher EX is the most simple locker for Android!

Sweet pink, crimson, red, orange and yellow color surely captivate you! Beautiful colors like rose-colored, ruddy, blushing, rose, rosy. Download now beautiful, dear heavenly styled.

Tidak masalah apakah Anda seorang pria atau wanita ... Coba saja tema yang bagus ini, unduh dan mewarnai perangkat Anda dengan sweety pink, cherry, stroberi dengan busa dan rouge.

*** Features of GO Locker :

1. Cool Locker Screen that makes your phone outstanding;

2. Good compatibility with GO Launcher EX and it is stable;

3. Easy to use;

4. Able to activate phone, SMS and Camera directly or you can change the slider shortcuts yourself;

6. Support customise wallpaper;

7. Security locker;

8. Emergency unlock enabled;


Disclaimer: this application use interstitial ads and banners.

Check other our GOLocker Themes, GOSMSPro Themes, and GO Launcher EX, free themes.

Themes are published all the time, so remember to check our developer account regularly.

Style was created by WorkshopTheme.

What's New in the Latest Version 13

Last updated on Jan 28, 2016 Improved installation process in GO Locker

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