Try Islamic widget, a religious analog clock, that will exude spiritual energy.
Cherish your religious beliefs with Islamic Clock Widget and you can have your own custom made clock! Strengthen your faith with the best “Islamic widget” ever! If you believe that Allah is the only true God, these religious images will be perfect for you! Combine various hands and skins and make a perfect “Islamic clock” for your Android ™ phone! You have a unique opportunity to get the most beautiful religious app on the market! Try these beautiful Islamic themes and they will be a constant reminder of the Five Pillars of Islam! Whenever you look at your screen, you will be inspired by your religion! Let this “free clock widget” help you find to your inner peace and calmness! Don't miss a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get the best clock widget inspired by the Islamic religion, completely free of charges!
★ This amazing Android ™ widget gives you a chance to make your own clock!
★ When you download the widget, initially you get five clock skins, while the rest of them unlock over the next five days!
★ Islamic clock gadget will look astonishing on your display and it will save your battery!
★ This religious “analog clock” has an easy and fun interface!
★ New clock faces, hands and digits are added daily - collect them all!
★ Our Allah wallpaper is compatible with 99% mobile phone devices!
★ “ Islamic Clock Widget ” looks fantastic on both tablet devices and mobile phones!
Use the following instructions:
★ Add the Allah widget to your home screen.
★ Pergi ke menu dan tekan tombol 'Tambah' atau, tergantung pada perangkat Anda, ketuk ruang kosong dan pegang jari Anda sampai menu pop-up berlabel 'Tambahkan ke layar home' muncul. You might need to find the + button, or the option 'Widget' to add it to home screen.
★ Choose from ten Islamic clock designs, skins, hands and digits.
★ Long tap on this time clock in order to scale, move and resize it.
★ Set the alarm clock by swiping through the digits on the screen and tap on the 'set alarm' button.
Allahu Akbar! Believers unite and embellish your mobile device with the most wonderful Arabic calligraphy! Let this clock gadget be your prayer time alert! Atur jam alarm dan kapan pun berdering, Anda akan tahu bahwa ini adalah waktu doa Islam! Allah desktop gambar akan menjadi wajah yang ideal untuk widget jam Anda! Set the Islamic clock on your desktop and let your Android ™ mobile exude spiritual energy! Segera setelah Anda meletakkan gadget "jam Allah" di layar ponsel Anda, Anda akan mengingat kata -kata nabi Tuhan terakhir, Muhammad! Open your Quran and find 99 names of Allah! Now you can have Allah names on the background of your phone with this Quran widget!
If you are tired of your religion wallpaper, this Islamic clock has got everything you need! Not only does it look astonishing on the screen of your Android ™ phone, but it can also be your Salat times alarm! But that is not all! You get to admire the stunning Islamic calligraphy every single day with this beautiful widget! Look at your time clock in order to see whether it is time for Ramadan! The ninth month of the year in the Islamic lunar calendar is reserved for the greatest fast ever! Practice patience, submissiveness and humility and let this Quran clock be your biggest support at the time of the fast! All Muslims will definitely be thrilled by our religious backgrounds, so don't waste more time! Download this clock online and let the Islamic ringtones remind you of the beauty of your religion! One of the best “widgets for Android ™” has arrived on the app store!
Tambahkan sesuatu yang ajaib kepada wallpaper Muslim Anda yang akan mengingatkan Anda untuk merayakan dan menghargai Islam setiap saat - Islamic Clock Widget sedang menunggu Anda!
* Android ™ is a trademark of Google Inc.
* This app is ad-supported.
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