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  • Magic paint. Draw animated!

    Magic paint. Draw animated!

    7 2024-10-26
    Hiburan hidup

Aplikasi luar biasa untuk gambar animasi. Buat lebih baik layar ponsel Anda.

Aplikasi luar biasa untuk gambar animasi. Buat lebih baik layar ponsel Anda. Draw something using animated brushes. This magic paint allows you to create fantastic animated drawings or simple doodles. You can save your completed animated drawings as an live wallpaper and set them on screen of your phone or you can save painting as a photo.

You can use animated brushes such as:

- animated fireworks

- animated fire flames

- animated explosions of fire

- changing flowers

- color neons

- glittering diamonds and sapphires

Using animated brushes, you can create beautiful, animated photo frames.

Animated brushes have 3 different sizes. You can set 3 different density. This allows you to achieve amazing results while drawing. You can create great animated drawings or static drawings. This cool magic painter will allow you to create a fantastic animated live wallpaper. Tuliskan nama menggunakan neon berwarna atau api api, gambarkan hati kembang api atau mengubah bunga, buat bingkai foto animasi, apa pun yang Anda inginkan dan kapan pun Anda mau. Use your imagination. If you lack a particular brush email us, we'll add it to the magic painter update.

Watch our demo-video, it shows what you can do with application to animated drawing. View our gallery of drawings, live wallpapers and photo frames, which will give you an idea of how to draw.

Jika ada masalah dengan efek dari Magic Painter, aplikasi menggambar, alih-alih memberi kami pendapat negatif, silakan kirim email kepada kami dan tinjau secara singkat masalahnya. It will help us to solve it in the next updates of drawing app.

Magic painter is free but contains ads in settings of the wallpaper and inside app. Revenue from advertising will help us to create new attractive wallpapers and applications. All permissions are required only for advertising and are supported by trusted vendors.

What's New in the Latest Version

Last updated on Jun 4, 2020 Fixed issues.

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