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  • Maxima on Android

    Maxima on Android

    7.5 3.2.1 2024-12-12
    Pembelajaran Pendidikan

With Maxima, you can do integration, differentiation of formulas and much more!

Maxima, a full featured computer algebra system, now runs on your Android mobile devices. Maxima, and its predecessor Macsyma is one of the most long-established software in the world, back in 1960s at MIT LCS and Project Mac. Anda dapat melakukan banyak operasi matematika seperti integrasi, diferensiasi, operasi matriks, bilangan rasional, perlakuan simbolis konstanta seperti pi, e, gamma euler, simbolik dan numerik perlakuan fungsi khusus seperti sin (x), cos (x), log (x), exp (x), zeta (s), dan banyak lagi.

Maxima on Android is a port of Maxima on the Android operating system. Berkat upaya Sylvain Ageneau dalam porting lisp umum yang dapat disematkan ke OS Android, kode Maxima terbaru berjalan dengan baik di ECL di Android dengan perubahan yang sangat kecil pada kode sumber.

Maxima on Android is a combination of many open source software: ECL on Android, MathJax, and Maxima itself. I wrote roughly a thousand lines of Java code and a hundred lines of HTML including Javascript code.

The installation of the software requires total of 90MB on the storage. 30MB needs to be installed on the internal storage. The rest of 60MB can be installed either on the external or the internal storage. The first run of the apk will ask you where you want the 60MB to be installed.

Then you can enjoy Maxima / Macsyma on your mobile phone or tablet based on Android OS.

Apa yang baru di versi terbaru 3.2.1

Last updated on Sep 9, 2018 Maxima 5.41.0 is supported.
Maxima 5.41.0 embedded in MoA 3.2.1 passed all the tests using run_testsuite().
Support for the older versions of Android OS has ended. Kitkat (Android 4.4, API level 19) and above is the minimum requirement.
Support for SDCard for additional installation has ended. Everything will be installed on the internal storage.
Internally, MathJax is updated to from 2.1 to 2.7.5. JQuery Mobile is updated from 1.3.1 to 1.4.5. Gnuplot is updated from 4.6 to 5.2.4

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