A detailed weather forecast at a glance on your home screen
Meteo Weather Widget is a weather app showing the weather in a very detailed way at a glance on your home screen. Sementara banyak aplikasi cuaca menunjukkan ramalan cuaca dengan cara yang agak mendasar, aplikasi ini melakukannya dengan memvisualisasikan perkiraan dalam apa yang disebut meteogram. Doing so shows you a much better overview of when exactly rain will fall, the sun will be shining, when it will become cloudy...
The main focus of the app consists in showing the meteogram on a small home screen widget (eg a 4X1 widget). Even while the widget does not occupy that much space on the home screen, it still manages showing the forecast in a clear way. Cukup tambahkan widget di layar beranda Anda, tentukan lokasi Anda (atau biarkan widget secara otomatis menentukan lokasi Anda) dan ramalan cuaca muncul di layar beranda Anda.
The meteogram shows the temperature and expected precipitation for the complete forecast period. Besides those weather elements, the wind speed, wind direction and air pressure can also be visualized on the meteogram. The user has all freedom to customize how the meteogram should look like.
Feature overview :
• Temperature, precipitation, wind and pressure
• Cloudiness / clearness indication
• Short-term forecast (next 24 or 48 hours)
• Short-term forecast for the next 5 days
• Fully customizable: colors, graph settings, ...
A "donate" version of the app adds below features:
• Widget providing a long-term forecast (next 10 days)
• Show humidity percentage
• Show sunrise and sunset
• Visualisasi grafik (suhu) yang lebih baik (Warna Fe grafik berwarna biru saat suhu turun di bawah pembekuan, ketebalan garis kustom dan gaya, ...)
• Show moon phase
• Show wind chill
• Feature allowing you to save current settings as default settings
• Enable (paid) weather provider(s) (as in-app subscription)
• For the United States only: NOAA as weather provider
About the weather forecast data
Semua berkat Met.No (Norwegia Meteorological Institute) karena menawarkan data ramalan cuaca (perhatikan bahwa untuk periode perkiraan jangka panjang, salah satu model cuaca terbaik - ECMWF - digunakan oleh Met.No).
For locations in the United States, NOAA is offered as short term weather provider.
NOTE: additional weather providers can be enabled by an in-app subscription.
Dan akhirnya ...
• Contact me if you have suggestions, remarks, issues... ([email protected]).
• The app is optimized for use on smartphones.
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