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  • Nemo Japanese

    Nemo Japanese

    9.4 1.7.1 2024-12-23
    Pembelajaran Pendidikan

Segera berbicara kata -kata yang paling berguna dalam bahasa Jepang dan percaya diri

Nemo dirancang untuk memulai Anda dengan kata -kata yang paling berguna dalam bahasa Jepang dan percaya diri. With millions of downloads from around the world, Nemo is now available for Android phones and tablets.

✓ Every Japanese word is pronounced clearly in high quality audio from a native speaker.

✓ All audio is downloaded to your device, and is available offline or in airplane mode.

✓ Master your accent with the Speech Studio. Simply record yourself saying a phrase and then hear your voice next to the teacher's. Then try again. You'll be AMAZED how quickly your foreign accent melts away.

✓ Nemo is not built around lessons at all. It is meant to be picked up throughout the day, whenever you have a few minutes to spare.

✓ NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of Japanese is required.

Nemo targets the words and phrases most often used in conversation. Untuk pemula, kami telah menyiapkan "Jika Anda hanya belajar 10 hal", "Jika Anda hanya belajar 50 hal", dan "jika Anda hanya belajar 100 hal" untuk pengantar yang cepat untuk hal -hal penting. Pelajar menengah dapat maju ke arah kata -kata frekuensi tertinggi yang diperlukan untuk perjalanan dan bisnis dan mulai melakukan percakapan dalam bahasa Jepang dalam sebulan. Advanced students will benefit most from the Speech Studio technology to correct their foreign accent.

With Nemo, you can customize flashcards to exercise the language skill you want to improve. When beginning a new topic, setup flashcards to practice translation of Japanese to English so you can build familiarity with new words. Next, switch to translate English to Japanese to train your recall and ability to speak. To complete mastery, switch to cards that specialize in fine-tuning your listening and perfecting your pronunciation.

Any card can be marked as a favorite, allowing you to make your own custom deck of cards to focus on the words of the day. Turn on Review Mode to recap what you practiced earlier in the day to boost your memory retention.

Dive into what you want to learn at any time. The phrasebook offers quick access to the vocabulary in the app through a Japanese-English dictionary interface. Nemo also functions as a translator. Simply find the words you need in the search interface and play its audio through the device speaker.

◆ Get off the beaten path or find comfort with traveler phrases.

◆ Build your proficiency with numbers and the most important verbs and sentence building blocks.

Japanese is the primary language spoken in Japan and cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Fukuoka. It is normally written in Kanji and Kana characters. In this app, you can display Japanese words in either Japanese characters, Roman script, or both.

Gunakan keterampilan baru Anda untuk berteman, mengesankan teman lama, membawa senyum kepada anak -anak, keluar dari kemacetan, mengalami hal -hal baru, berbicara dengan percaya diri, dan membuat pengalaman perjalanan dan budaya Anda lebih kaya dan memuaskan.

Download this free app now!

Apa yang baru di versi terbaru 1.7.1

Last updated on Aug 19, 2024 A few bug fixes

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