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Acara Hari DTI Valentine: Tanggal Rilis, Konten Baru dan Kebocoran


Setelah tanggapan suam -suam kuku terhadap pembaruan Natal dan bulan, pengembang DTI sekarang bersiap untuk rilis pembaruan berikutnya, yaitu, pembaruan Hari Valentine. Similar to previous events, there are dozens of new content coming in this update in the form of new quests, outfits, and lore stories. So, here is a detailed highlight of all the upcoming content in DTI during the month of Valentine.

All Confirmed and Leaked Content for DTI Valentine's Day Update

Below, I have mentioned all the confirmed content for the upcoming Valentine's Day Update. Please read through each of them and share your opinions in the comment section.

New Valentine Themed Rampwalk

The biggest talking point of the Valentine's Day update is the new love/Valentine-themed rampwalk. This is a beautiful ramp walk that features a light pink carpet with lots of flowers on both ends. If you ask me, I would say that this is the best-looking Rampwalk to ever feature inside the game.

VIP Room Overhaul

The VIP room in DTI is also getting a massive overhaul in terms of looks and changes. It now has a much larger lobby area, which provides ample space to move around instead of dressing up in a cramped small area.

New Outfits and Poses

As usual, there are dozens of new Outfits and Pose Packs set to feature in the update. This includes a beautiful pink & icy blue dress, a harp accessory, school shoes, and a set of pose love theme poses. These are only some of the confirmed items, whereas there are multiple posts of several rumored content on X and community Discord pages.

Chest and Lag Reduction

Untuk lebih mengurangi masalah lag dan gagap di DTI, para pengembang berencana untuk memperkenalkan fitur baru yang disebut The Chest , di mana pemain dapat menyimpan gaun acara mereka alih -alih meminta mereka ditambahkan ke ruang ganti. This would be game-changing and would reduce a lot of load in the lobby. Still, it's unknown whether this feature would debut during the Valentine's event.

More Lana Lore Quest?

According to a post made by the popular leaker Royal Lara , a new building has been added to the base game that has lots of potions. Many people say that it is for the upcoming Lana quest, which would further reveal more details about Lana and her world.

What is the release date of DTI's Valentine's Day Event?

The DTI's Valentine's Day update event is set to release on February 8, 2025 . The date was confirmed by the developers both on their official YouTube and X Profile a few days ago.

Untuk lebih lanjut tentang DTI, lihat cara mendapatkan gaun kelopak waktu terbatas untuk mengesankan atau cara menyimpan pakaian Anda dalam gaun untuk mengesankan (dti) - roblox

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