In the Early minutes of Avowed 's main quest the Envoy finds themselves victim of a tragic assassination. After solving their own murder mystery, you'll learn the identity of your killer; Ygwulf. Upon meeting him, you can choose mercy or vengeance. Here's if you should Kill Ygwulf in Avowed .
Setelah melakukan beberapa pekerjaan detektif yang cerdik dengan Kai dan Marius di Paradis, Anda akan menemukan identitas pembunuh Anda dalam pencarian utama akhir yang tidak tepat waktu. This assassin is Ygwulf. He is a member of the Paradisan Rebels, a faction that resists Aedyr's presence in the area at all costs. As the Envoy of the emperor himself, the player character is a top target.
Eventually, you will track down Ygwulf and his people to find their hideout underground. Anda harus membersihkan area banyak musuh dan menyelesaikan beberapa platform untuk sampai ke Ygwulf, jadi pastikan untuk membawa banyak ramuan kesehatan dan perlengkapan terbaik yang bisa Anda dapatkan.
As you move through this dungeon, you can find some documents revealing Ygwulf's true intentions, and his remorse. While Ygwulf initially believed the Gods needed him to kill the Envoy, his misguided visions are revealed to himself. He begins to feel remorse. Even if you don't find these documents, he'll tell you all this in person when you confront him at the end of the quest. As a result, Ygwulf is apologetic, but is also willing to receive justice for his actions.
Terus terang, membuat Ygwulf mengubah dirinya menjadi Inkuisitor Baja Garrote adalah pilihan terburuk, dan Anda akan lebih baik membunuhnya sendiri. If you instruct him to turn himself in, Ygwulf will end up facing the brutal Inquisitor Lödwyn's wrath, which is implied to be a painful death. However, doing this won't grant you as good of rewards as he'll give you for sparing him, or the loot he drops upon dying at the Envoy's hand.
If you choose to spare Ygwulf outright, he will give you 625 Copper Skeyt and a bit of Adra to reward your mercy. While it's certainly not a life changing amount of resources, it can help. Unfortunately, even if you do spare Ygwulf, his fate his sealed and he will later be killed off in the story.
Since his fate will always result in death, having the Envoy choose the Attack option in dialogue is ultimately the best option. This results in a boss fight, which is solid practice for encounters later in Avowed. In addition, killing Ygwulf awards the best loot of the three options.
Upon defeating Ygwulf, you'll be able to loot his body for currency, Adra, as well as his set of Unique armor; Blackwing. Aside from simply looking cool, the Blackwing armor also has some incredibly helpful stealth benefits. Set baju besi ini memberi pemain +30% dorongan kerusakan saat menyerang dari siluman, serta buff kecepatan gerakan 25% saat berjongkok untuk membantu Anda menyelinap di sekitar musuh.
Even though Ygwulf is encountered in the very early game. His fate does have a very slight impact on the ending of Avowed . Setelah menyelesaikan bagian gameplay terakhir (yang kami tidak akan banjir di sini) Anda akan disuguhi seni dan narasi yang menunjukkan dampak keputusan Anda terhadap dunia EORA di seluruh tanah yang hidup.
Tidak peduli berapa banyak Anda bekerja untuk menyatukan tanah yang hidup dan membawa mereka kedamaian, kematian Ygwulf akan selalu terjadi, meradikalisasi pemberontakan paradisan, dan memastikan mereka tetap merupakan perlawanan kekerasan terhadap upaya Anda setelah kredit bergulir.