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Cara menangkis serangan dalam diakui


Tidak ada yang lebih memuaskan dalam permainan aksi selain menangkis serangan musuh, mengubah momentum mereka menjadi momen indah aksi penikaman usus. If that's the Avowed experience you're looking for, here's how to parry in the game.

Lompat ke:

  • How to Unlock Parry in Avowed
  • Cara menangkis serangan dalam diakui
    • Parrying Isn't Always an Option
  • What Parrying Does (& Why You Might Want to Do It)

How to Unlock Parry in Avowed

Untuk diakui , pertama -tama Anda harus membuka kunci kemampuan, jadi jika Anda berharap bahwa Anda bisa memilikinya masuk ke dalam permainan, maaf mengecewakan. Open the menu and go to the “Abilities” screen and the “Ranger” tab. The Parry ability is in the middle column at the top. That means to unlock it, you'll first have to put an Ability point into any of the three core trees. Once you've done that, you can unlock Parry.

There are three ranks of Parry, which I've compiled in the table below for ease of reading:

Pangkat Player Level Requirement Level Description
1 N/A (1 Point Spent) Unlocks Parry.
2 Player Level 5 Increases Parry efficiency by 25%, dealing greater Stun when Parrying enemies.
3 Player Level 8 Increases Parry efficiency by 50%, dealing greater Stun when parrying enemies.

Selain itu, di level 10, Anda akan dapat membuka "Defleksi Panah," kemampuan terpisah yang memungkinkan Anda memblokir panah dan proyektil lainnya dengan menangkis.

Cara menangkis serangan dalam diakui

Screenshot taken moments before player's death by bears.

To parry in Avowed , you need to block just before an enemy's attack hits you. The game will make a kind of metal clanking sound, and you'll get a nice visual indicator on the screen as the enemy reels from your parry. The timing can take a bit to get used to, and it varies a bit between enemies. Practice makes perfect, though, and it's not nearly as difficult to master as it can be in games like Dark Souls or Elden Ring .

Parrying Isn't Always an Option

As a note, not all attacks can be parried. In some instances, you'll see a red circle. You'll have to dodge those attacks.

Additionally, not all weapons can parry in Avowed . Single-handed and two-handed weapons can generally parry, provided they're not in your off-hand. If you've got a shield in your off-hand, you can parry with that, too. Senjata jarak jauh (seperti senjata, tongkat, dan busur) tidak bisa menangkis, dan juga tidak bisa meringis, jadi jangan mengambil "pena lebih kuat dari pedang" secara harfiah.

What Parrying Does (& Why You Might Want to Do It)

If you're wondering what parrying does and why you might want to do it, the reasons are pretty simple. Parrying in Avowed is a great way to stun your attacker, thus staggering them. That'll let you do a ton of damage. As such, parrying is a great way to avoid taking damage while increasing your chances of dishing it out.

Depending on your build, though, you may or may not want to parry. The ability is way more suited to melee characters who are getting up close and personal with their enemies. If your character is focused more on ranged attacks, you probably shouldn't take parry. Still, it's a very good ability if you're a melee fighter. Hal yang baik juga, adalah cukup mudah dan murah untuk diakui , jadi jika Anda memutuskan Anda tidak suka Parry, Anda dapat menyingkirkannya nanti tanpa masalah.

And that's how to Parry in Avowed .

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