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Kapan acara langsung di Fortnite Bab 6, Musim 1?


Every season of Fortnite builds to one thing: the live event. Players will load into the game hours early to secure their seats and celebrate the end of one season and the start of another. But when is the live event in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 taking place?

When Does Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 End?

Sementara Fortnite telah diketahui melakukan acara live pertengahan musim, Musim 6 mendekati kesimpulannya, yang berarti hanya ada begitu banyak waktu yang tersisa untuk permainan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang besar. Thankfully, prominent Fortnite leakers are already on the case, revealing information about when the next live event will take place.

Beberapa gamer bermata elang mungkin sudah memperhatikan bahwa Daigo, salah satu karakter musim 6 utama, telah muncul di depan portal iblis di Pulau Battle Royale. He has six masks sitting in front of him, and another one is lighting up every day. Based on the schedule, it appears that the final one will be lit on Saturday, February 15, which is when the event will kick off.

That theory lines up with other events in recent seasons. Sejak Fortnite telah mulai merilis musim baru pada hari Jumat, acara telah terjadi pada akhir pekan sebelumnya, memungkinkan sebanyak mungkin gamer untuk mengalaminya dan masih punya waktu untuk membuka kunci beberapa item terakhir di Battle Pass.

Terkait: Fortnite Bab 6 Pengaturan PC Terbaik & Cara Meningkatkan FPS

What Will Happen in the Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 Live Event?

Sementara orang -orang baik di Epic Games suka menjaga hal -hal yang dekat dengan rompi, terutama ketika datang ke acara langsung, detail menemukan jalan mereka ke internet, dan itu tidak berubah untuk Bab 6, musim 1. Menurut beberapa dialog yang bocor, Daigo mencari jalan ke dunia roh untuk menyelamatkan saudara perempuannya, Jade. However, his brother, Kendo, doesn't agree with his methods and might look to thwart his plans.

Once all the masks are lit, it's likely that the Spirit Realm will open for Diago and that Kendo will be there to try and stop him. What happens after that is anyone's guess, but there's sure to be an epic battle between the forces of good and evil.

One major figure that's unlikely to make an appearance during the Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 live event is Godzilla. Raja Monster sudah memiliki momen di bawah sinar matahari, dengan para pemain dapat mengendalikannya selama periode singkat di Bab 6, dan dia kemungkinan akan memberi tip sisik demi sisi apa pun yang dia hadapi. The same goes for King Kong, who didn't have the impact Godzilla did but still made the occasional appearance in Battle Royale matches.

And that's when the Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1 live event is. If you're looking for more, here's how to track traces of the comet in the mountains in the popular Battle Royale title.

Fortniteis tersedia untuk dimainkan di berbagai platform, termasuk Meta Quest 2 dan 3.

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