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Daftar Tingkat Senjata Mugetsu Proyek


Project Mugetsu adalah RPG ROBLOX yang populer, menampilkan karakter ikonik dan alur cerita dari Anime Bleach. Dengan banyak senjata, shikais, dan banyak lagi untuk dijelajahi, ada banyak hal untuk Anda kelola. But, your weapon should be your main priority. So, to help you pick the right one, here's a complete Project Mugetsu weapon tier list.

Best Weapons Ranked - Project Mugetsu Tier List

Tingkat Senjata
S Goku Black's Scythe, Ywach's Battle Sword
A Excalibur, Gunbai Madara, Pedang Ginjo
B Easter Sword, July 4th Gauntlet, Ywach's Base Sword, Barragan's Axe, Yamamoto's Cane, Unohana's Sword
C Gold Blick, Nnoitra's Sword
D Byakuya's Sword, Dual Guns, Hand Gun

The above tier list gives you an overall view of all the 16 currently available weapons in Project Mugetsu . Senjata S-tier memberikan penggemar terbaik, keterampilan, serta peningkatan kerusakan sementara yang d-tier adalah yang berperingkat rendah dengan fasilitas lebih sedikit dan cukup mudah didapat.

Perhatikan bahwa tidak semua senjata yang disebutkan dalam daftar tingkat di atas dapat diperoleh dengan mudah, beberapa di antaranya, misalnya, Gauntlet Paskah dan Gauntlet 4 Juli hanya dapat diperoleh melalui acara waktu terbatas .

S Tier Weapons - Best Weapons In Project Mugetsu

Senjata Keanehan Pro & kontra

Goku Black's Scythe
Yg tak dpt diperoleh
(0% drop chance)
+ Arguably the strongest weapon in Project Mugetsu.
+ Acquired as a part of the Tester Reward.
+ Insanely high DPS with 3.5 Damage modifier.
+ Memiliki target tunggal terbaik dan skillset AOE.

Yhwach's Battle Sword
(0.2% drop chance)
+ Extremely high DPS weapon in Project Mugetsu.
+ Strong AoE as well as single-target damage.
+ Great skillset with 2.75+ damage modifier.
+ Difficult to obtain, but has a chance to drop from Yhwach Event.

A Tier Weapons

Senjata Keanehan Pro & kontra

Ranked Exclusive + One of the best single-target weapons.
+ Great DPS boost with +2 damage modifier.
+ Insanely high DPS with 3.5 Damage modifier.
- Very difficult to obtain, only if you're one of top top-ranked players.

Ginjo's Sword
Ranked Exclusive + One of the long-ranged weapons.
+ Great close-range DPS as well as long-range skills.
+ Decently high +2 damage modifier.
- Very difficult to obtain, only if you're one of top top-ranked players.

Madara's Gunbai
Ranked Exclusive + Another strong-ranked weapon with close-range skills.
+ Bahkan menawarkan AOE jarak jauh, dengan DPS yang bagus.
+ Relatively high damage with +2 Damage modifier.
- Very difficult to obtain, only if you're one of top top-ranked players.

B Tier Weapons

Senjata Keanehan Pro & kontra

Easter Sword
Limited-Time + Decently good single-target weapon.
+ Boost DPS yang layak dengan +1 Damage Modifier.
- Lacks at AoE, and overall skillset is hard to use.

July 4th Gauntlet
Limited-Time + Decently good AoE weapon.
+ Boost DPS yang layak dengan +1 Damage Modifier.
- Skills lack range, and single-target use.

Yhwach's Base Sword
Limited-Time + Overall balanced weapon with a decent skill set.
+ High DPS boost with +1.15 Damage modifier.
- Tidak dapat diperoleh, dan tidak memiliki keserbagunaan dalam keterampilan.

Pedang Yamamoto
(0.2% drop chance)
+ Senjata AOE yang baik dapat menimbulkan efek status terbakar.
+ High DPS boost with +1.5 Damage modifier.
- Lacks in overall usability and is hard to get.

Pedang Barragan
(0.2% drop chance)
+ Good single-target weapon can inflict Rot status effects.
+ High DPS boost with +1.5 Damage modifier.
- Kurang AoE, dan sulit didapat.

Unohana's Sword
(0.2% drop chance)
+ Strong single-target weapon weapon.
+ Great DPS boost with +2 Damage modifier.
- Hard to get, and lacks AoE in skillset.

C Tier Weapons

Senjata Keanehan Pro & kontra

Gun Blick
(0.2% drop chance)
+ One of the best single-target weapons with long range.
+ DPS tinggi dan hebat dalam menjatuhkan bos.
- Limited bullet capacity, not good in AoE.

Nnoitra's Sword
(0.2% drop chance)
+ Strong balanced close-ranged weapon.
+ Decent DPS boost with +1.5 Damage modifier.
- Hampir tidak ada keterampilan AOE, dan tidak memiliki keterampilan.

D Tier Weapons

Senjata Keanehan Pro & kontra

Pedang Byakuya
(Peluang penurunan 5%)
+ Decent skillset for early game.
- Lemah +0.8 Modifier Kerusakan.
- Kurangnya dalam pertandingan akhir.

Dual Guns
(79% drop chance)
- No buffs.
- DPS lemah dan kegunaan.

Hand Gun
Luar biasa
(Peluang drop 15%)
- No buffs.
- Low DPS. Unusable in the late game.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Project Mugetsu, lihat Project Mugetsu Trello Link & Discord atau semua item dan aksesori di Project Mugetsu (Update 2.5) - ROBLOX ON Pro Game Guides!

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