Every generation of Pokémon comes with a new set of three starters to choose from: a Grass type, a Fire type, and a Water type. Nine generations in, there are now 27 starter lines in the franchise. Here's a look at all partner options throughout the generations.
Note: Final starter evolutions marked (*) are capable of Mega Evolution in Gens VI and VII.
The starters that, well, started it all include Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle of the Kanto region. Mereka pertama kali muncul dalam judul asli yang dirilis AS Pokémon Red , Blue, dan Yellow , dan sejak itu membuat comeback dalam remake Pokémon yang ditembakkan dan daun , serta Pokémon Let's Go! Pikachu and Eevee . You can also obtain them in a number of other mainline games, including the remakes Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver and Pokémon X and Y .
Starter Pokémon | Jenis | Evolutions |
Bulbasaur | Rumput/Racun | Ivysaur (Level 16) Venusaur* (Level 32) |
Charmander | Api | Charmeleon (Level 16) Charizard* (Level 36) |
Squirtle | Air | Wartortle (Level 16) Blastoise* (Level 36) |
Chikorita, Cyndaquil, and Totodile are the starters of the Gen II titles Pokémon Gold , Silver , and Crystal . Native to the Johto region, the trio also appears in the remakes Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver . They've been made available to catch through a number of means in subsequent generations, like via the QR Scanner in Pokémon Sun and Moon . Cyndaquil is also a starter option in Pokémon Legends: Arceus .
Starter Pokémon | Jenis | Evolutions |
Chikorita | Rumput | Bayleef (Level 16) Meganium (Level 32) |
Cyndaquil | Api | Quilava (Level 14) Typhlosion (Level 36) |
Totodil | Air | Croconaw (Level 18) Feraligatr (Level 30) |
Note: Cyndaquil evolves into Quilava at level 14 in every mainline game but Pokémon Legends: Arceus . See Gen VIII starters for Legends: Arceus evolution details.
The starters of Gen III's Pokémon Ruby , Sapphire , and Emerald are Treecko, Torchic, and Mudkip. Trio Hoenn muncul kembali dalam remake Pokémon Omega Ruby dan Alpha Sapphire , dengan sejumlah cara untuk menangkapnya di rilis arus utama lainnya dan DLC.
Starter Pokémon | Jenis | Evolutions |
Treecko | Rumput | Grovyle (Level 16) Sceptile* (Level 36) |
Torchic | Api | Combusken (Level 16) Blaziken* (Level 36) |
Mudkip | Air | Marshtomp (Level 16) Swampert* (Level 36) |
Pokémon Diamond , Pearl , and Platinum of Gen IV feature Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup as starter options. Each returns in the remakes Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl . Sementara ketiganya adalah penduduk asli wilayah Sinnoh, tidak ada yang ditampilkan sebagai starter di Legends: Arceus , yang meninjau kembali seorang Sinnoh kuno yang dikenal sebagai Hisui. However, you can catch all three in the first Legends release, as well as in other mainline titles and DLC.
Starter Pokémon | Jenis | Evolutions |
Turtwig | Rumput | Grotle (Level 18) Torterra (Level 32) |
Chimchar | Api | Monferno (Level 14) Infernape (Level 36) |
Piplup | Air | Prinplup (Level 16) Empoleon (Level 36) |
Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott make up the starter trio of Gen V titles Pokémon Black and White and their sequels Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 . Sementara remake tetap menjadi topik spekulasi pada saat penulisan, Anda dapat menangkap ketiga mitra Unova Pokémon di beberapa judul arus utama lainnya dan DLC. Notably, Oshawott is also a starter option in Pokémon Legends: Arceus .
Starter Pokémon | Jenis | Evolutions |
Snivy | Rumput | Servine (Level 17) Serperior (Level 36) |
Tepig | Api | Pignite (Level 17) Emboar (Level 36) |
Oshawott | Air | Dewott (Level 17) Samurott (Level 36) |
RELATED: All Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Trade Codes
The starters of Gen VI's Pokémon X and Y are Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie. Seperti yang ditampilkan dalam The Serial Pokémon: XY Anime, evolusi terakhir Froakie, Greninja, juga menerima bentuk khusus yang dikenal sebagai Ash-Greninja, yang ditawarkan melalui demo Pokémon Sun and Moon dan dapat ditransfer ke judul-judul utama pada saat rilis mereka. The Kalos trio has been available to catch in other mainline titles and DLC since.
Starter Pokémon | Jenis | Evolutions |
Chespin | Rumput | Quilladin (Level 16) Chesnaught (Level 36) |
Fennekin | Api | Braixen (Level 16) Delphox (Level 36) |
Froakie | Air | Frogadier (Level 16) Greninja (Level 36) |
The Gen VII titles Pokémon Sun and Moon introduced Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio as starters. All three returned in the sequels Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon and have been available to catch in DLC for mainline games that followed. The grass partner Pokémon, Rowlet, has also appeared as a starter option in Pokémon Legends: Arceus .
Starter Pokémon | Jenis | Evolutions |
Rowlet | Grass/Flying | Dartrix (Level 17) Decidueye (Level 34) |
Litten | Api | Torracat (Level 17) Incineroar (Level 34) |
Popplio | Air | Brionne (Level 17) Primarina (Level 34) |
Note: Dartrix evolves into Decidueye at level 34 in every mainline game but Pokémon Legends: Arceus . See Gen VIII starters for Legends: Arceus evolution details.
Gen VIII menyimpang dari formula rilis arus utama tradisional dengan pengenalan Pokémon Sword dan Shield dan Pokémon Legends: Arceus . Rilis ganda dan judul Legends pertama menawarkan starter yang berbeda, dengan yang sebelumnya memperkenalkan tiga mitra baru Pokémon dan yang terakhir menampilkan starter masa lalu dengan evolusi regional baru.
Sword & Shield brought in Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble as starter Pokémon. All three Galar partners can also be caught in the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet .
Starter Pokémon | Jenis | Evolutions |
Grookey | Rumput | Thwackey (Level 16) Rillaboom (Level 35) |
Scorbunny | Api | Raboot (Level 16) Cinderace (Level 35) |
Terang | Air | Drizzile (Level 17) Inteleon (Level 35) |
Pokemon Legends: Arceus saw Rowlet, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott return as the starter trio of Hisui, an ancient Sinnoh region. Tingkat evolusi sedikit berbeda dari yang ditampilkan dalam judul masa lalu, dan masing -masing mitra Pokémon menerima bentuk regional baru pada evolusi terakhirnya. You can also catch all three Sinnoh starters introduced in Diamond , Pearl , and Platinum .
Starter Pokémon | Jenis | Evolutions |
Rowlet | Grass/Flying | Dartrix (Level 17) Hisuian Decidueye (Level 36) |
Cyndaquil | Api | Quilava (Level 17) Hisuian Typhlosion (Level 36) |
Oshawott | Air | Dewott (Level 17) Hisuian Samurott (Level 36) |
Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly made their starter debut in the Gen IX titles Pokémon Scarlet and Violet . Sprigatito is a cat-like Grass type with 'tude; Fuecoco, is an oh-so wholesome Fire croc; and Quaxly is a poised Water type with flair. Though you need to trade to get all three native starters, you can catch every past partner Pokémon in the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC.
Starter Pokémon | Jenis | Evolutions |
Sprigatito | Rumput | Floragato (Level 16) Meowscarada (Level 36) |
Fuecoco | Api | Crocalor (Level 16) Skeledirge (Level 36) |
Quaxly | Air | Quaxwell (Level 16) Quaquaval (Level 36) |
Sekarang di ujung akhir generasi kesembilan, franchise Pokémon diperkirakan akan berlanjut dengan pengumuman Nintendo Switch 2 dan Pokémon Legends: ZA , yang saat ini sedang dalam pengembangan.
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC are now available.