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Daftar Tier Styles Basket Showdown Ultimate Kuroku [rilis]


Even though there are different rarities in Kuroku's Basket Showdown , the top rarity style isn't necessarily the best. The most powerful styles is usually determined by flexibility and how powerful its awakening move is if any. Here's my Kuroku's Basket Showdown styles tier list .

Daftar isi

  • All Styles in Kuroku's Basket Showdown Ranked
    • S-Tier Styles
    • A-Tier Styles
    • B-Tier Styles
    • C-Tier Styles

All Styles in Kuroku's Basket Showdown Ranked

Gambar demi situs

There's no trash styles in Kuroku's Basket Showdown so I'll be rating them from S-Tier to C-Tier where C-Tier is a solid style that is slightly underpowered but not unusable. Also note that some styles are usually rated lower because they don't have an Awakening yet. I'll update this tier list regularly as more styles come out in future updates.

S-Tier Styles

Ini adalah gaya meta yang memiliki gerakan yang sangat kuat dalam hal jarak, mobilitas, menakjubkan, dll. Selain itu, mereka memiliki gerakan kebangkitan yang paling kuat dalam permainan.

Name & Rarity Penjelasan Peringkat Bergerak

Aomino (Epic)
Even though Aomino is Epic I prefer it over Kagame because it's much more mobile and comes with carry potential. Both the Back Spin and the Awakening Move can bypass 2 or 3 blockers easily and stun them. Combine with Shooter or Skilled Zones for a Meta build. Tembakan Tanpa Bentuk : Ajukan mouse Anda ke ring dan tekan C untuk mengaktifkan bidikan yang mudah diuji dan autopower yang kebal saat mengudara.
Back Spin : Mirip dengan drive lenyap Kuroku, dasbor panjang yang kebal ke arah yang Anda pilih bahwa pergelangan kaki menghancurkan semua orang yang mencoba mencuri bola.
Langkah Awakening : Dribble dengan kecepatan tinggi dan melewati banyak pemain di depan Anda sambil kebal. Anda pemain setrum yang Anda lewati.

A-Tier Styles

A-Tier styles still have excellent moves and Awakenings but are just slightly behind S-Tier styles in raw power and carry potential. Usually they require team coordination to become S-Tier which you can't depend on in random matchmaking.

Name & Rarity Penjelasan Peringkat Bergerak

Kagame (Legendary)
Kagame is incredibly strong but the reason that I put it in A-Tier instead of S-Tier is because you depend a lot on team coordination. The Dunk and the Awakening Move are incredible and almost unblockable but you have to reach the hoop first. They truly shine if you can have teammates pass you the ball when you're within range of the hoop while Aomino can more easily reach the hoop and carry the team alone, just like in the anime/manga. Lompat : Anda melompat sangat tinggi dan dapat mencegat lemparan atau melempar bola sendiri sementara udara yang hampir tidak mungkin diblokir.
Dunk : Gunakan dalam jangkauan lingkaran untuk melakukan dunk.
Langkah Awakening : Jika Anda berada di bawah lingkaran atau menggantung dari lingkaran dan mendapatkan umpan dengan aktif ini, Anda akan melakukan dunk yang tidak bisa diblokir.
Gambar demi situs

B-Tier Styles

As for B-Tier styles they're in awkward place where they're pretty decent but lack an Awakening move to truly compete with the higher tier styles.

Name & Rarity Penjelasan Peringkat Bergerak

Kuroku (Rare)
Unlike in the anime/manga, the Kuroku style is quite aggressive and score oriented. It almost feels like you're playing a slightly weaker version of Aomino with both Misdirection and Vanish Drive being great for dribbling. You don't have any shooting moves but you can easily outdribble the entire team with Q and Kuroku moves. That said, it's in B-Tier because it lacks an Awakening.
Salah arah
: Anda berlari jarak jauh ke samping sambil kebal.
Vanish Drive : Anda lari ke depan jarak pendek ke depan sambil kebal.

C-Tier Styles

C-Tier styles both lack an Awakening and are generally underpowered compared to the higher tier styles.

Name & Rarity Penjelasan Peringkat Bergerak

Tepei (Rare)
Tepei is the weakest style so far because its skills need a lot more work. The Hook Shot is great but it can still be blocked if your opponenets know what they're doing. Also, the Auto Pass can also be easily blocked if the opponents are expecting it. Tepei will become much better with some i-Frames in future updates. Hook Shot : Ajukan ke samping ke arah lingkaran dan lob tembakan kait yang canggung untuk memblokir lawan.
Auto Pass : Bertujuan pada rekan setim dan luncurkan pass cepat yang akan mereka tangkap secara otomatis.

That's it for my Kuroku's Basket Showdown style tier list. Stay tuned because I'll update it regularly as future styles and Awakenings come out and adjust the ratings accordingly. For more Kuroku's Basket Showdown guides check out our controls and keybinds list.

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